@Pondscum said:
I hate anime smilies. Hate them. It makes me think I'm talking to a pre-pubescent teen that's RP'ing from his/her parent's basement. Don't use them. Don't! >.> (What the hell does that even mean?)
I just got judgemental too!
...anime smilies? What? They're just horizontal emoticons instead of vertical.
It's kind of weird that you'd pick out a handful from the vast list of emoticons and dub them 'anime', when they've been used for what is literally decades, plural, now by people who neither like nor even watch anime. >_<
If >_> or >.> or whatever causes you confusion, I suspect that's a personal failure rather than any lack of clarity. I mean, you can figure out what
means, right? But somehow >.> stumps you? C'mon.
Sure, peeves thread, dislike horizontal emoticons because whatever, but trying to tie an irrational peeve to basement dwelling anime watchers is just kind of a bizarre stretch. Shit, my mother uses ^_^ and the closest she's ever come to anime is Saturday morning cartoons.
If you really want to get into some hand wringing over an invasion of Japanese internet foibles, you'd probably want to shake your fists at this website's use of emoji, ala
, while >_> is just a perfectly normal emoticon.