Whew, I went to sleep and woke up to a lot of interest! Thank you all. Big spammy response ahead:
@surreality - The Roarin' 20s definitely has an appeal. And there's a lot of source material to use for inspiration. I just like that early chunk of the 1900s, it seems, 20s-30s-40s. Especially in a US setting they each have very distinctinctive flavors. And not to worry, I'm not looking for anyone to sign anything, just a show of hands as it were.
@Mr.Johnson - I appreciate the thought very much! Let me know how the rest of your staff feels - no hard feelings if it's a no, I'm just happy you were willing to offer.
@Lithium - I mean, I mostly play World of Darkness in all its various forms these days, plus other games where you might die, so I don't think that's a concern. But could you let me know how you define pure consent? It's been a while since I heard the term.
@Kairos - That looks awesome! I may have to throw some cash their way.
@DeadEmpire - Sweet, another vote for "anything OC is good", thank you! And yes, it would be all pure original characters. OC all the way, no DC, no Marvel, etc.
@TNP - Understood! As I asked the others, would you be wiling to expand on why? The more feedback I get the more helpful it is.
@Cobaltasaurus - M&M is what I was used to back when I was involved in the Crucible City stuff, the only reason I haven't leapt to it is because I heard that the editions in the ten years+ since then has changed a lot? So I'd need to take a look. But mute librarian with shadow powers sounds like a really fun concept, of course I'd love to see you play!
@Ganymede - I will be happy to take you up on the offer of assistance! Judging by @Wizz input, it sounds like City of Mist while very appealing in its own right brings its own setting flavor with the system, which makes me a bit hesitant. I'd rather use something that is easily adaptable, and it sounds like we'd need to cut at least a chunk or two out of CoM. What do the two of you think about M&M, are you familiar with the latest edition of it? And Wizz, I definitely think you should start a new thread so more people can brainstorm on that, including myself.
For a different game I think it would be super cool, and I'd be genuinely interested in playing in it.
@TheOnceler - I'm a little puzzled, why should the fact that there aren't any OC superhero games make me choose a modern setting? That one goes over my head, please clarify that some? You're another vote for M&M, which is what I am familiar with from the old Crucible City game, though we used the first edition (I think), and the latest one is apparently a bit different so I'd need to check it out. Gothic Horror Superhero Game sounds amazing, I'd play there!
@faraday - Well, @ixokai first stated that 30s-40s wasn't something he was into, hence my assumption his specification of no 30s also applied to 40s. But that's me assuming things, and you make a fair point that 30s is less represented in pop culture. I like 20s-30s-40s, but as mentioned this is an interest check as I continue to mull things over. That's why I'm looking for feedback as to what people like/dislike/would like/wouldn't like, and I appreciate all the responses!
@Seraphim73 - I know right? It's a lovely spectrum of flavors that ranges from intrigue and mystery across the spectrum to robot Nazi mutants on jets. Not to say you couldn't have that in a modern or future setting, of course.