"There are 2 forums, and it appears that most of the people who dislike each other are on separate forums. So why so much reaching across the aisle to ensure that you're continuing to interact with people you don't like?"
And, I say this respectfully, I skimmed past a lot of the personal insults and whatnot on BMD, and it doesn't appear that BMD has a problem with people from here coming over there to insult them, sooo....what's the point of this? Is it okay if people try to discuss this topic without being attacked, or what?
This. So much this. When I dare to read BMD...I wouldn't post on there if paid...or when some of these folks come over here...what I see is:
- Lots of virulent insults...the one that really stuck with me was mouth making ass cheek flapping sounds, just...vile stuff.
- Lots of hyperbolic accusations that paint everyone here in just the darkest possible terms regardless of whether there's any grounding in reality for those accusations.
- Aggressiveness and sarcasm aimed pointedly at specific people.
- Extreme distortions, such as characterizing "You're intelligent but I don't agree with your behavior right now" as a...personal attack? Really? A compliment as a personal attack? What?
It's gotten to the point where I HAVE considered just begging people to leave us alone. If we're really so awful then it would make no sense to continue interacting with us would it? Why would any of them want to be unbanned? This makes no sense and I know that it is seriously hurting people at this point.
The worst I think that's been said, by contrast, at this point, is that bullying is taking place, and I mean...name-calling, accusations, tossing up old baggage, sarcasm, sneering, aggressiveness, etc. etc. is bullying behavior. It does not make the person engaging in the behavior an irrevocable bully, it does not make THEM a thing but it does state that the BEHAVIOR is bullying behavior.
The other thing that has been said, repeatedly, is that the bans were the result of failing to ignore repeated warnings and requests to stop engaging in a behavior, but it keeps getting twisted into other stuff. But ultimately it baffles as to why anyone would protest the bans or want to come back.
There's so much cross-talk going on that it's not even funny, when we could just be at peace in separate dadgum forums.
Instead it's just. Poke. Poke. Poke. Virulent insults! Poke. Poke. Poke. Accusations! Poke poke poke poke! WHY?
The ones who hate us now have every opportunity and tool to go hate us over there. We're not bothering you. Stop bothering us, stop insulting us, stop accusing us. The moment you guys leave us be we will no longer be talking about any y'all, as evinced by the two flaming months where we did not talk about any of y'all. We had other things we wanted to talk about. If you feel the community at large needs to be warned about us because we don't share your views then I think the 1100+ posts y'all got over on BMD have adequately warned whomever you feel needs to know.
Irony: some of the behavior you're warning people about on these players you're saying are soooooooooo terrible is...folks who wouldn't LEAVE YOU ALONE when ASKED REPEATEDLY TO LEAVE YOU ALONE.
Oh hey, that's what a buncha y'all were banned for too. Pot and kettle, anyone?
Just. Sod OFF already.