Yes she quit the job poorly then and should be condemned for quitting in that manner but not for quitting in general.
The right to quit is a basic principle of free labor.
RL Anger
@Arkandel said:
@Vorpal I bet my country of origin can give your country of origin a run for the money it doesn't have.
Prrrobably- though you have to try hard to match the level of suck that Ecuador has. I mean, just ask John Oliver
Incidentally, the man is a hero to most sane Ecuadoreans- you can get jailed in Ecuador for saying the things he's said about the president on social media -
@Vorpal I'm of two minds about Greece.
We've had horrible politicians for years (but who hasn't?) who borrowed money heavily knowing full well by the time those loans came due they'd be well into retirement/dead. So 2-3 decades of easy spending, bailing out of private companies, systemic corruption and cushy pensions came crushing when payments had to be actually made. The EU knew all of this all along but they just kept the money flowing since it looked good for their careers at the time. Of course all that cash went to a relatively small minority's pockets.
So when this all happened, people who were working their asses off their whole lives suddenly started being accused of being lazy free-loaders. Unemployment, even the official type - the real figure is far higher - is just under 25%, the brain drain is enormous since all the educated graduates flee as fast as they can. A few years ago I found my salary dropped by half overnight, which is a very hard thing to see; I have friends with mortgages who still have to pay the initial amounts or lose their homes. The damage is immense, and there's no real salvation anywhere in sight; the entire country looks like the Titanic after it started sinking, it's quite likely nothing can actually stop bankruptcy for now. -
We elected all those politicians. Other politicians warned us over the years and we didn't vote for them because they were saying unpleasant things. And even now we keep electing whoever makes the most ridiculous promises, then turn on them in favor of the next-in-line party to make the same ridiculous promises, and so on.
@Arkandel Greece and Ecuador have a lot in common, alas.
Except music. Greece has the better music.
... you don't suppose I could bribe you to find me some scores by Hadjidakis? In particular his setting of Gatsos' poem "Vale ton ilio synoro?" I have tried everything to get my hot little hands on that music and I have failed miserably.
@Vorpal Not for that one in particular but have you seen http://partitoures-news365.blogspot.ca/p/blog-page.html# ?
@Arkandel Ooh this is beautiful! I shall have to peruse it when I'm home from work, thank you!
Human beings are useless sacks of shit. I swear to Glob the next person to get a job where I work and quit I'm going to track them down and fuck them to death.
That is, to say. The new hire quit before her training was even done.
If your bitching about where you work is 1) factual and 2) indicative of the work environment in general, I'd quit too.
@Admiral Yeah, from listening to you talk about your job, I'd probably also rather be unemployed that deal with what you deal with. But good for her for at least giving it a shot before coming to the same conclusion.
TNP and Warma pretty much said the same thoughts I had.
In reality if I am going to quit a job it is going to be early on, if you find yourself unable to stand a job while you are still in training it is better to get out rather then stay and be miserable.
As my late grandfather used to put it, "Life is too short to work at a job you hate." -
Dear People of the World,
NK -
@ThatGuyThere It's a nice sentiment. I'm just in a shitty town with shitty job prospects. Here's to hoping I can build my savings.
In what world do I get docked for submitting a researched argument with buttloads of properly cited sources in an argumentative writing class halfway through the semester? What the everloving fuck?
No, she deserves no kudos.
The bitch left in the middle of her shift to 'go pick up her son'. She said she'd come back. She didn't.
The next night she waited until 15 minutes after her shift started to call in.
The next night she swore to the boss she would be there. The big boss. This was four hours before her shift.
Come shift time, she called in 20 minutes after it started and I had to come in.
The next night, she -swore- she would be there. Did the same thing.Now I'm picking up all the shifts she dropped. My job ISNT BAD. It's not. All I do is watch movies/tv shows all night and sometimes handle traffic. The hard part is when assholes quit constantly and I have to work 8+ shifts a week.
Yes she quit the job poorly then and should be condemned for quitting in that manner but not for quitting in general.
The right to quit is a basic principle of free labor. -
@ThatGuyThere said:
Yes she quit the job poorly then and should be condemned for quitting in that manner but not for quitting in general.
The right to quit is a basic principle of free labor.Except that's not what @Admiral's complaining of, apparently. He's complaining that this bitch is supposed to come in and work, and doesn't.
Organizational labor requires some measure of reliability. This cunt doesn't have it.
I feel that given the clearly limited selection of people willing and able to fill the position, they should at least offer a raise or a bonus. Especially given how poorly the company has handled all the other employees involved.
@Misadventure Yeah, the job market obeys the law of supply and demand... unless employees don't force it to. Then it still does, but only one-sidedly.
Of course there are always other factors like contracts, city jobs, etc where you have little personal negotiating power.
Our IT department just decided to restrict access to all the files for my project because they were created by someone who left.
FFS people!
I feel 10000% better eating "clean" for lack of a better word. (Not no carbs, but 'just enough' and mostly nothing processed, which is kind of a bitch.) I really need to do this for my long-term health because of Boring Health Issues. I don't have any cravings or anything, really, but today is a day where I swear to fucking god I would bite a dirty man's butt cheek if it meant that the carb fairy would grant me 5 minutes to eat a bag of Doritos.
I can't follow my gym routine at the moment since the club I'm going (and any I've tried, regardless of whether it's a chain or local gym) is packed during peak hours. So tonight I want to use the rack, will I find one? Maybe! Maybe not! Who knows! Will there be a line waiting for me to be done, which I hate since I feel guilty I'm hogging it between sets (but it takes too long to switch weights back and forth)? Probably!
... Which means I'll need to man up and start going before work. Waking up at 6, that's just awesome.