Sep 29, 2016, 4:14 PM


Yeah. It's been a year and a few months, and I think the shock is really wearing off now. The whole grieving process is stupid and ridiculous and I hate it so much. I can't even talk to my dad right now because all he wants to do is say awful things about her (the last 5 years or so of her life she turned into a demon between her fear of death and the medication she was on, plus dementia, I think) and I know that's part of HIS process, but I just can't cope. Stupid.

@mietze It's okay to be human. What you're feeling is not bad or wrong. I mean, I know you know it, but I'm in your corner, lady. You aren't wrong. You aren't bad. It's not evil to feel that way. It isn't fucking fair, and it would be REALLY NICE if the universe would fucking take fairness into consideration. Stupid. I hate that, too.