Nov 28, 2016, 4:18 AM

@Kanye-Qwest I'm going to preface this by saying I really like your game (and you are an integral part of that), and this comes from that place:

Making responses that come off as petty, defensive, vindictive and antagonistic on a thread about your own game is not a good look, especially when its directed at fairly benign system design disagreement.

It might just seem like a part of a small feud on MSB, but when its here and about the game, it creates an impression.

That in turn will likely to some extent translate into the game, and its interactions. Fairly or unfairly, most players have come across staffers who confirm to those qualities and it wasn't pretty. Seeing you display them here is likely to make 'em crawl under a stone instead of engaging with you (or at least start that process). That just leaves things festering.

So in the future I'd encourage you (and this generally goes for any staffer on any game who wants the best for that game) to just take the high road. Show your best face. There are a host of unintended consequences for not doing it. Pursuing feuds do nothing for you.