Jun 12, 2017, 2:50 PM

@Coin said in RL Anger:

I'm pretty sure @Catsmeow was referring to who physically enforces it.

Unless issued in a pending criminal case, all restraining orders, either temporary or interlocutory, are issued in the context of a civil action, and such restraining orders are intended to be compensatory rather than punitive.

In this case, the order would not say "the police must leave you alone"; rather, it would probably say "the police shall not make any further attempts to prevent you from doing X." Should the police thereafter cite you or bar you from doing X, you can bring that incident to the Court, which, upon finding contempt, could issue compensatory and punitive damages for violation of the court order.

So, you call your lawyer, your lawyer files a motion for contempt, and you get damages that way.

You police the police.