Jul 12, 2017, 3:32 PM

@Meg said in RL Anger:


I think we must read those things differently. I can kind of see where you are coming from but-- If I said 'don't call people Satan' is a basic enough bit of etiquette, would it have the same implication to you? That I'm saying you have to be offended by being called Satan?

When someone goes on to the academic thing, it doesn't sound like a polite recommendation any more. It's less 'don't call people Satan', and more 'I shouldn't have to haul out the bible to explain to anybody with a brain why they shouldn't call somebody Satan'. There's a definite note of condescension in there, let's be frank about that.

@Roz said in RL Anger:

@Meg I do think there was a sense of disbelief or skepticism expressed by some people that someone could be living in America in 2017 without realizing that cunt is considered a really nasty thing to call someone, which I could see further extrapolated to a point of "you must be offended by this."

^ That. Thank you.

Anyways, I'm still going to land squarely in the camp of "someone objected strongly to being called a cunt and the real problem in that conversation was the people who insisted she shouldn't take issue with the word." Not the people who then had to defend their right to be offended by a word that's considered highly aggressive by a lot of the country.

By the time I hopped in there, 'yes, this really is extremely offensive to some (which I continue to say is absolutely OK)' had, really, been covered. At that point, it was the predictable 'but my buddies say it and I don't mind!' and 'don't you know everyone agrees that's rude!' were browbeating each other.β€’

But, yeah, etiquette rules in the Hog Pit are kinda... uhm. I've had nasty shit said to and about me in other sections of the forum even if they don't involve specific tense terms and that is not just me, almost all of us are in the same boat about that, having the same experience.

If somebody says, "Hey, that's really over the top to me," it is the decent person thing to do to not do that to them, for sure. It's... not the specific venue where I would expect people to default do so (have concern about offending or not) so far as the board goes. All the other sections? Yeah.

β€’ My sleep schedule's wonky as fuck lately, y'all. Seriously. I'm still testy and unslept and hazy-brained due to the dental surgery and painkillers and lasered gums and la la la oh god why do I taste nothing but sour bacon. My tact is absolutely not working well, and my clarity is worse. This isn't an excuse for anything, just a general advisory in case something doesn't seem to make sense. Just, y'know, ask or something, and I will try to clarify, because I'm not actually trying to offend anybody here today or anything. As it is I'm like 'whoa' on the run-on sentences that cross over like cat's cradle still. (Am not sure if it is making this discussion look better or worse than it is, but wavy wavy text is super trippy.)