@Admiral The point is to show I don't merit an original response! I think that rhetorical ploy succeeded.
RL Anger
@Ghost You're welcome! I really am a great guy.
@Thenomain That version is a little too sincere and heartfelt for my purposes (I am, after all, an evil troll whose emotional constitution is composed exclusively of irony and spite) but I appreciate your contribution. It is, all the same, a beautiful song even though T.Y. won't perform it anymore.
@Admiral The point is to show I don't merit an original response! I think that rhetorical ploy succeeded.
@shangexile said in RL Anger:
@Meg Free country bro.
If your best defense is literally, 'Well. It's not illegal' then maybe you should re-evaluate your decision making. Just saying, brah.
@Apos Good advice, brotein shake!
@shangexile If someone can tell me how to delete my account, I will. Can't seem to find the functionality.
The weirdo stalker is gross. However, I also found @surreality's inability to just stop being a dick a little gross. Sorry not sorry.
@Kanye-Qwest Would be a little more on point if the post after your 'plz stop nao' was nasty-ass.
It's not.
There is a point at which I'm pretty fucking tired of people being shitty to me and keeping silent and I've reached it over the past week or so.
I am no more obligated than anyone else to sit there and take shit -- not in the name of 'peace', not in the name of 'being the bigger person', and so on.
Not sorry for that, to be absolutely sure.
@Kanye-Qwest I find your name-calling a little gross. Sorry not sorry.
Which one of you fuckers is going to be paying for my new liver, is all I'm asking?
@shangexile said in RL Anger:
@shangexile If someone can tell me how to delete my account, I will. Can't seem to find the functionality.
- Change your password to random key-presses that you aren't paying attention to (ie. I3i38fbfjqoqoo3jebfhcui)
- then logout
- then delete the bookmark
- then lose the fucks you give.
@shangexile said in RL Anger:
@shangexile If someone can tell me how to delete my account, I will. Can't seem to find the functionality.
- Change your password to random key-presses that you aren't paying attention to (ie. I3i38fbfjqoqoo3jebfhcui)
- then logout
- then delete the bookmark
- then lose the fucks you give.
Yeah, @Ghost gives solid advice, but just in case that's too tough, we can streamline the steps needed to take in order to pull it off. It can be tricky, so be sure to follow close on how to quit a forum, and don't be afraid to write it down and try it a few times until you get the hang out of it. Okay, so here's the step by step for how to quit.
Step 1: You stop posting.
Step 2. You do something else.Now, you might find when you forget about step 1, then people call you creepy for being creepy, but it's okay. Just carry on to step 2, and sooner or later, you'll find you don't do step 1 anymore and then everyone that shudders in revulsion at you will stop, and everyone will be happier. We believe in you, you can do it.
@Apos Oh my, there is just a hint of snark in your reply, isn't there? Snark seems to be the preferred demeanor on these forums; well, that and the aura of "permanent victimization" that afflicts the perpetually aggrieved. Luckily I'm not much bothered by either demeanor, nor does it bother me to be called creepy- in fact there is a certain charm to be found in stirring a hive-minded hornet's nest. In any case, great advice from you and @Ghost!
@WTFE I would offer you mine, but it's more like a rock garden, apparently.
It deserves more than a few bottles, though, jesus.
The 'faction' approach is causing more than a little ridiculousness here. After all, some of the folks convinced I'm just the worst person ever were upvoting the shit out of shangexile by rote just for popping up here -- not bothering to realize, "Oh, hey, maybe we shouldn't be cheering on and encouraging someone like this," until it was pointed out what's going on there.
By that logic, and logic slung around by @kitteh in the previous thread, if I see 'one of them' being harassed or forum stalked, I shouldn't be expected to give half a shit about abuse being done to them or call it out, but I really just don't roll that way -- there's no 'I don't like something you said to me, so I don't give a shit if people sling abuse at you, and I'll cheer them on as they do'. You wanna talk about an ugly mentality? Yeah. Because, wow. And awesome points to @saosmash for not being like that. It is noticed, it is appreciated, and it is hugely respected.
Rather than seeing, 'oh, hey, that answered the questions and didn't throw any insults around and tried to lay the groundwork for "it's going to be OK"' just got a snarky slap from @scar for saying anything at all. That the only exchange with @kk at at at that point was that post, and the two of us apologizing to each other and attempts to extend an olive branch from both sides from what I can see there, is apparently one of those unimportant details that gets lost, when that's actually pretty fucking relevant.
I don't think that was lost on @kk, and it wasn't lost on me. I appreciate what she said, and I meant what I said to her re: I didn't realize you thought I was putting words in your mouth, I had no intention to do that, and I'm sorry if you felt that way/if others thought I was trying to suggest that. I would have been pissed, too, if I was in her position, and thought someone was putting words in my mouth.
Attempting to characterize it as something else ignores the reality of 'peace apparently has been made or is on the way there and these people are trying to be decent humans at each other' in the name of just slinging and starting more shit. Because we totally need that, right? Yeah, no.
These things don't happen if people are actually reading, paying attention, and not just 'throwing in with a camp' and slinging garbage around at 'the other side'.
I'm not camping out with anybody here. (I'm definitely not glamping, because... jesus.) I agree with the content I agree with and disagree with the content I don't, and that's it. I actually bother to fucking read it first, though.
Is being called a hive-mind on the drinking game list yet? I mean, it has to be, right? Like, literally, people will call you a hive-mind for agreeing with someone, even though you were /just disagreeing with them a page before/.
@Ghost Well, I'm going to take your advice. One last thought before I go.
There is someone on this forum who believes in "naming and shaming". That person has long considered themselves an inquisitor of bad behavior, and for this reason they have many followers and admirers. Well, not just that reason; they have a lot of positive qualities, including an obvious amount of high verbal and visual intelligence and artistic creativity. No, I'm not being sarcastic! I used to be friends with them.
Unfortunately, that person's "name and shame" approach ENCOURAGES the factionalization they've recently decried. It encourages dehumanization of the "trolls" and "4channers" who've incurred that person's wrath. And, indeed, it encourages snark and anger directed at anyone who disagrees with that person. The significant population of posters who take issue with that person's tone provide evidence of this. This is how you get several hundred posts devoted to language policing, because one or two people devote themselves to "naming and shaming" those with whom they disagree.
My point is... even if I am an asshole (I am) and a troll (yes, that too) the people who agreed with me about the unpleasantness of the other person's behavior, well maybe THEY are not assholes and trolls. Maybe the other person has something to learn about how they're perceived, and the dangers of automatically dismissing people as "trollers" and "4channers". Will they learn? No, they've been on the same path for decades and it's not likely to change. Will others learn? Let's take as an example the response to this post.
Which I won't be around to see, because I'm taking @ghost's advice and leaving. Goodbye!