I haven't played on Arx since the Alpha, but out of curiosity, who is Custodius playing?
There was some suspicion he was....fuck what was the name...Hadrian...Leo?? Fuck, I can't remember. Some Velenosa duke guy, back then.
I haven't played on Arx since the Alpha, but out of curiosity, who is Custodius playing?
There was some suspicion he was....fuck what was the name...Hadrian...Leo?? Fuck, I can't remember. Some Velenosa duke guy, back then.
D-D-D-D-double post.
IDK this Julea-player bitch from a hole in the ground, but the bbpost about her ban is super hilarious knowing Custodius is playing there. It is no secret he will OOCly manipulate, lie, cheat, scheme (OOCly, again) to get his way. Everybody knows it. I played his wife briefly on Firan, so I have firsthand experience with it, and it makes the bbpost about that chick's ban pretty awkward.
I guess taking advantage of people OOCly is okay, but pushing them out of your RP isn't?
@Misadventure said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@WTFE said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Misadventure said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
In the end, your audience can be stupid.
This, in and of itself, is a strong indicator of your thought processes, now, isn't it?
Yes, but not likely in how you seem to be implying.
Oh, I'm not implying anything. I'm out and out stating that your statement is straightforwardly contemptuous of anybody who disagrees with you. (Like recognizes like, see.)
Let's look at some alternative phrasings of what you said to see if we can get past your ass-burgers and into something resembling enlightenment:
Those are simultaneously more respectful of those who disagreed with you and a bit self-deprecating; I understand people find that last bit a bit charming at times. If your ego won't permit self-deprecation, however, which many people who chow down on ass-burgers appear to have a problem with, there are still better ways to phrase the above without coming across as an arrogant, contemptuous jackass:
What? Still not judgemental and self-aggrandizing enough? Try this on for size:
That's seven alternative ways of saying what you said, seven alternatives I came up with off the top of my head (I literally spent five times the effort coming up with ways to insult you), with different emphases based on how prickly and/or fragile your own ego is, that doesn't make you come across as a contemptuous jackass. But you said this instead:
Are you saying I frame everything in a way that it serves my preset agenda? Like you?
No, I'm saying you frame everything in a way that makes you look like a contemptuous jackass. Try to keep up.
For those in the viewer audience, I framed things in the form that it will occur to you to underline that no matter how frustrated you are, there is a less troubled truth under there if you can get past all participants monocular vision of how people communicate.
Translation from ass-McDonald's to English: "I framed things in the form that comforts me by keeping me the smart one in my own mind at least while casually dismissing any disagreement as the product of stupid people."
Sorry skipped after it was clear you can't follow your own advice on listening or presentation. Little eyeball for you.
@Arkandel said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
You know what a much easier way is? Get the person playing the Thraxian High Lord banned and give the rostered character to someone else who saw what happened to the last guy who played a certain way.
Aka Firan staffing 101.
Also color me not surprised on the Custodius front. He's friends with the frog-crew, and she's the reason I'd never step foot on that game in the first place.
I think the initial reaction re: Custodius entering Arx was that the staff believed they could reign him in if he went overboard with his shenanigans, but then you get staff laying the banhammer on players with good reputations who may have been having an off day while someone with a horrible reputation continues to exist there because he hasn't been caught yet.
Or maybe he has been, and they've ignored it, which is even worse.
I am so glad I left before this BS started showing itself...
@Tinuviel said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I am so glad I left before this BS started showing itself...
I miss you Auggy. ;_;
@Tinuviel said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I am so glad I left before this BS started showing itself...
I feel you. I kinda miss playing Lou, but the time demands of the game were just way too high for me and with this recent stuff... I feel like I've maybe dodged a bullet.
I left in December? He was up to his old self then with everyone. So they know. He's just friends with Hellfrog as I've heard. However and I will admit this, second hand information about who is friends with staff is RARELY reliable.
@Catsmeow Yeah I have definitely heard the exact opposite of that.
@Tempest He is not Hadrian nor Leo.
wait the game that seems to derail almost every thread on MSB on a regular basis has significant problems
well, color me shocked
@Gilette I know, right? This came straight out of left field.
Kind of a weather check, had a Guest page me inquiring about Deepwood.
They wanted to join Deepwood as a blood relation, and I explained that everybody in Deepwood is deader than a doornail. I did point to the current open roster character, noted I would be happy to accept OC knights and retainers, and proposed that if they really wanted a noble under Sam, Mia was available as well.
These options didn't suit them and I said sorry and noted I was still available if they needed more help.
Is this "blocking rp"? I feel like I did my best to be accommodating, is there something I could have done better?
They happened to pick like the one noble house on the entire map of Arvum that doesn't have room for extra blooded nobles. I don't think there is anything else you could have done there.
Yeah, agree with @saosmash. Deepwood is the only house in that situation among a bunch of houses. It sounds like you were as helpful as you could have been. Not sure why they were particularly determined to be a Deepwood noble, but. It's not your fault they're all dead!