Jan 12, 2017, 11:29 AM

Still in one piece. I'll try to post something longer whenever I'm home, since I am still made of suck on the finger typing, but surgery #2 is highly likely today, though not 100% certain, since it's an add on to the schedule. They shouldn't need a #3, or so everyone hopes.

Really keep your fingers crossed, y'all, 'cause we did apparently luck out in that the regional Luke Skywalker best suited to take out this particular deathstar was available today and today only, hence moving it up to now at all instead of it being a week or two out.

@Derp That sounds a lot like the area where 7D will eventually live. πŸ˜„ very much awesome, but yeeeeeah that's a big trade off. The folks I would stay with in the area it was based on did similar, same reasons, though they were on one of the more 'town' streets.