I put in my tax return last month and the 21 expected days sailed past. No info on the website or app on any expected date for the refund, but no request for contact either -- just a generic "we're still processing your return" message.
After the 30th day, I am quite frustrated and try to call the IRS directly, and they have the phone tree from Actual Hell. It's deliberately difficult to navigate to a living person and contains a bunch of dead ends to pre-recorded messages about being "too busy" to take your call, which is a load of shit considering you can actually talk to someone if you know the arcane secret combination of numbers to push.
I finally get through after a lot of trial and error, and it turns out my return's in error processing -- expected time is now ten weeks from the date I submitted it, with no explanation as to why.
Jesus H Christ, I needed that money this month. And it is so fun to have a lot of frustration and no legitimate place to direct it.