Please excuse me while I ugly snot-cry at The Good Place finale.
Good TV
Please excuse me while I ugly snot-cry at The Good Place finale.
Please excuse me while I ugly snot-cry at The Good Place finale.
I haven't watched it yet and I don't wanna watch it cause I don't want it to end but I want to watch it because it's The Good Place but....
They tapped into pretty much exactly that feeling with the finale -- that idea of "When is it okay to end a good thing?" -- and that made it fucking amazing.
I hate that it's over but it was a fantastic ending.
stupid tv show making me cry
should be ashamed of itself -
@Aria I put it off because I didn't want it to be over. Then I watched it and damn, I got a bit emotional. It's a friggin' comedy, it shouldn't give me all them feels.
Then I watched the whole after show thing with the cast, and I got more feels.
It was brilliant, and it was funny and it was smart and I'm sorry to see it go. But I'm glad it did go while I still loved it.
I'm sorry and not sorry about the end of The Good Place, but yeah. I'm ugly-crying. Fuck.
Huh. The MCU is still a thing?
Huh. The MCU is still a thing?
Yes, with other releases to follow including Moon Knight and She Hulk as part of MCU. They did release Runaways season 3 on Hulu and Disney plus. While ghost rider series was cancelled, Helstrom (damien\satana the siblings) is releasing 1st ( and last) season in Hulu this year at least. Movie verse is going bigger picture on the big picture with like Eternals and Adam Warlock/Magus coming into focus.
Just finished Season 2 of Elite. Man, this show. I don't even know why I love it so much. But it knows how to string me right along, and I'm just biding my time until Season 3. It just gets more twisted and complicated as it goes on.
Locke & Key is interesting, conceptually and in execution. Story development is well paced for me. Not done with it but enjoying this series.
LEGO Masters is a fun, quirky LEGO dream made reality. Although the second episode where they had to design builds that would be deliberately destroyed was kind of painful to watch due to the destruction.
@Runescryer said in Good TV:
LEGO Masters is a fun, quirky LEGO dream made reality. Although the second episode where they had to design builds that would be deliberately destroyed was kind of painful to watch due to the destruction.
I keep debating watching it but then also every commercial for it I see seems like some sort of weird fever dream and I'm still not sure it's even real I mean it's hosted by Will Arnett ffs
Anybody else love The Masked Singer? I can't wait for tonight's episode to meet some new furries.
ETA: My theories so far. Turtle: Vanilla Ice -- fite me. White Tiger: John Cena. It just is. And Kangaroo: Tatyana Ali for some reason.