I entered a silly contest about streaming like 24 hours of true crime stuff. I didn't win the big prize, but it got me a free month of the service, so I'm excited to check it out.
RL things I love
I entered a silly contest about streaming like 24 hours of true crime stuff. I didn't win the big prize, but it got me a free month of the service, so I'm excited to check it out.
I think my fever just broke and I'm actually feeling hungry again, just in time for getting a birthday dinner tonight! (Local yummy mom and pop restaurant ramen + takoyaki, picked up by hubby) and I found out I'm covid19 negative.
I'm having the longest conversation I've ever had with one of my uncles. He's my mom's youngest brother and has always been that uncle that rarely came to family events, never contributed to the family newsletter- we didn't even know he was alive most of the time! But he added me on FB and we've been chatting and it is AWESOME.
Then out of the blue he asks, "Do you have venmo? I want to send you money for school supplies. Teachers pay too much out of pocket and I'm sure there will be budget shortfalls this year."
So I'm over here crying.
Today was a GREAT day all around and this was the cherry on top.
I signed a lease on my apartment.. woohooo. This means that while spending so much money (so much). There is a light at the end of the tunnel to sorting my life back out in a healthy balance.
So, my favorite aunt passed away fairly horribly last week. (No, this is not the thing I love, clearly. That was the thing I spent several days ugly-snot crying about and if you've wondered why I haven't responded to anything on game/Discord you sent, that was why.)
What I love is her youngest kid, the youngest of my cousins, and her only daughter. She's 20 years old and far, far too young to be navigating all those important things that women have to figure out in their 20s without a mom to guide her. I told her point blank that as absolutely wonderful as her dad and her older brothers are, they're a dad and an older brother. There's some conversations where they will mean well but not understand, and for every one of those, I want her to call me.
I was afraid she wouldn't.
She just texted me to ask for help finding dresses for her November cello recital because she only really shops at one store and doesn't really know where to go to get a formal gown, especially in her size range. I'm seriously getting weepy talking to her about the secret stores that have good plus-sized clothes, how to get the best discount, and which stores actually have dresses with pockets.
My mom wasn't -- isn't -- a particularly good mother. My aunt tried to do a lot of these things for me when I was 20, to make up for all those gaps my mom left with me. Now I get to do the same thing for my cousin.
That wonderful feeling when you were looking up names for mercenaries on babynames.com and leave it open when you fall asleep only to be awakened by a husband worriedly delivering tea and asking if there's something he should be knowing.
One of my mom friends knows that I am really struggling right now so she sends me at least one pic a day of their new bunny. He is a Flemish giant cross, still a baby and HUGE. He is so freaking cute that I scream like a little girl inside every time I get a new picture. He has the most ridiculously long and perky ears.
@mietze I just looked these up. I'm not sorry.
That gif has a severe deficit of feline presence that we have come to expect from you. Here is a suitable replacement.
@Ominous said in RL things I love:
That gif has a severe deficit of feline presence that we have come to expect from you. Here is a suitable replacement.
I had an interview this week. I wish I had more, but... with TX doing so badly, companies are back to not hiring. I've expanded my search to the Phoenix area since I have a few friends pestering me to move out that way, but it's in a similar spot. Plus, the sort of work I do is gonna be one of the last careers to fully recover.
But! This is the RL things I love thread:
I love video interviews. I can dress comfortably... So long as I do my hair, wear a nice shirt, some jewelry... I'm good! I can just go light on the makeup, wear yoga pants, and that's that. I can have notes on another screen (I use my laptop since it has a webcam built-in) to reference, their company website open, the job description open, etc... But most of all? I don't need to deal with the anxiety of trying to look someone in the eye.
Taking that anxiety away has allowed me to be so much more comfortable in interviews. I've only had a couple in the past six months (for obvious reasons), but I have felt immensely less anxiety in them.
I made black garlic and it's beautiful and amazing and I'm going to use it in everything
I had an video interview last Monday with some people in California. Button-down, suit jacket, and tie on top. Colorful beach shorts and flip-flops on the bottom.
On Zoom meetings I don't even try anymore. It's all about the t-shirts (and seeing who notices what!) My boss, though, he's still in his little short sleeve button downs. But then he gets up because one of his kids is running around, etc, and you see the gym shorts.
Honestly, I love Zoom meetings with him, versus in person. His kids and dog just make it so entertaining. Especially since they're 6 and 2, and often just start taking off clothes and running around like wild things. He gets so flustered, but I think its funny. We've all seen little kids do that.
I swear to god when this is all over and I'm expected to wear a bra for 12+ hours a day again, there's gonna be a goddamn riot.
- 11 days later
Legit doing a corporate donation one for my birthday in August for one of our team meetings. Boss is 100% on board. I am excited. Like REALLY excited.
@Sunny said in RL things I love:
Legit doing a corporate donation one for my birthday in August for one of our team meetings. Boss is 100% on board. I am excited. Like REALLY excited.
Hey, @Rinel and @saosmash , here's something for your next Zoom motion to suppress.