RL things I love
@Auspice D'aww!
@surreality said in RL things I love:
@Auspice D'aww!
She really just wanted the cheese.
This cat is a cheese addict. If it's got cheese, she wants it.
@Auspice Ancient Cat (rest in peace) was like that about... broccoli. But only the broccoli in Chinese food. This never went well. Cat gas is not a joyful thing. But watching a runty puffball get super snarlyface grrr-predator stalking a bowl, only to nudge the meat aside to steal broccoli? That is a memory to be treasured forever.
The current fuzzbutts, well, Tesla (the Disney Princess of Cats) is SO good around people food. She never ever touches it or even gets sniffy. Rica? Steals all the sammiches the moment I leave the chair for so much as a moment. She is very irritated with me that I can't have them again yet. I open a fruit cup or a thing of jello, and there's this mournful wail from the back of the chair almost every time, like her very soul is dying without sammiches to swipe.
Ike is only like this with cheesy things. No cheese? She couldn't care less. But she got her nickname 'Noodle' because she once snuck over a friend's shoulder, chomped a noodle in their bowl of fettuccini alfredo, and ran off with it in her mouth.
@Auspice That sounds like it is a moment like the kitten era broccoli moment: goddammit why do I not have a video camera built into my brain so I could have recorded that adorableness to share with the known world!!
@surreality said in RL things I love:
@Auspice That sounds like it is a moment like the kitten era broccoli moment: goddammit why do I not have a video camera built into my brain so I could have recorded that adorableness to share with the known world!!
I feel this way about so many many things. Like hahaha you idiot I told you that would happen and you did it anyways to awww so fricking cute.
Then I realize, I don't want to be someone else's cam show of stupidity. Like the idea of getting my wisdom teeth pulled is less about the pain and who I can trust to be around and drugged up. #PleaseDon'tMakeMeAViralStar
@Catsmeow In my dream world, it would only activate in cases of dire peril or dire fuzzy creature cuteness. Can that be a thing?
It's the internet. Right now some guy is in a chat room convincing some girl that he has a camera in his head that does just that. She shall run off and tell her friends about this really neat guy she met online. Because no one lies online.
Why did I read that as "a cancer in his head"? Oh, right. Because I'm a terrible person.
@Coin May Ulthar get umpteensquillion upvotes for cuteness.
@surreality said in RL things I love:
@Coin May Ulthar get umpteensquillion upvotes for cuteness.
He's totally a scritch-slut, too. He headbutts me alla time for moar scritchies.
@Coin That is the bestest kind of kitty.
Tesla does that. Tesla, the cat we were told: this cat should be considered strictly decorative, she really hates people. Yup. Total hatemonger, that Tesla. (She is admittedly terrified of anyone and anything other than me and Bri, including her own sneezes.)
Her own sneezes???
@Misadventure I wish I had the head camera for the Tesla sneeze incident, I really do. She sneezed, startled herself, backed up until she crashed hard into the headboard of the bed, and thus scared herself even more, which caused a sudden launch across and then out of the room and we didn't see her for the rest of the day.
We realized last night that the Eddie Izzard skit about Cowardice and Sandwiches could easily have lent those names to our cats. Too easily.
Yeah, it's a double post, but it's a different subject.
So, two years ago, I had a plan for a specific set of tools and materials I wanted to get for projects for that year. I had busted my fool ass making enough stock to cover all of the above with sales at a show, the overstock of which was to be bought wholesale by the person I'd sold stuff to a number of times before, so I could do it. It's something I'd wanted to do for a decade then.
But then her bookkeeper fucked things up. She didn't enter the stuff as wholesale, but as consignment. That meant I didn't make $XXXX, I lost about $500, because they discounted things well over 50% and then sent me half, and we'd already spent $XXXX in expectation of getting the cash we always reliably got over the course of a 2+ year business relationship. Uhm, ouch. (There was more or less nothing that could be done. We looked into all the things. We just had to eat it. That's how 2015 became 'the year I came within $200 of going bankrupt' and damn it was a scramble to make up that gap.)
Finally -- finally, after two years of scrambling and playing catchup -- yesterday, we were able to place the order for the first (and much, much bigger chunk) of supply, the material part.
Tools get ordered today.
If anyone's rooting for me to die in a tragic crafting accident, this is probably the highest risk, so y'all should be celebrating this one, too: yay, I finally am ordering the anodizing setup.
We ordered something like 5+lbs of titanium and niobium in rings and wire yesterday. We will simply not discuss the price tag on that, OK?
This is one of those long term dream goals, no matter how weird and relatively small compared to something like getting a first house or even getting a new car, but it means I can get going on some planned product work that I've wanted to be able to do for over a decade, and that is pretty fucking awesome.
It'll be ages before any of it actually shows up, and some part of me is probably not going to believe this has actually finally happened until the boxes start landing on the doorstep. But... OMG!!!!!!
For the second review in a row my spouse has received a 10% raise and has been advised that due to the growth in business her company's been experiencing over the past couple of years, she can likely expect a promotion within the year. She's among the hardest working people I've ever known, she deserves it without a shred of doubt.
I may also find it kind of hot to call her 'Director' from time to time.
Just a little moment of swelling pride I feel on her behalf.
Ohhhhh silversmithing. Years ago I sat and looked longingly at setups, tools, etc... But oh lord the cost of getting into making jewelry like that. I've had to stay far away.
Instant Pot is the bomb. Got mine awhile ago because we eat a lot of meatless dinners and dried beans are way cheaper, and also I wanted an easy way to make stock without monopolizing the rapid heat burner on my stove.
Today I roasted a chicken, then used the carcass plus another frozen carcass to make awesome rich bone broth, and then used the bone broth to make chicken soup from scratch for a sick friend and family--with one pot (not counting straining bowls and shredding meat)--in 5 hours with minimal babysitting.
I love my InstaPot sooooooooooo much.