RL things I love
A friend came in from out of town yesterday to go to lunch and she also gave me advance-housewarming gifts. Like, insanely generous ones. I have a Google Home now!
...and also a snitch (as in from Harry Potter) fidget spinner. I didn't know they made such things. And if I had, I would have lusted after one. It is amazing and almost as giddy-fun as the Google Home.
I sympathize with that dude but my reasons for hating an outing like that have nothing to do with not liking entertainment, because I definitely does, in fact I see work as only a way to afford entertainment, but I so hate the 'social team building activities' that a former employer would have. Since you cannot really relax and enjoy them because you still have to be on work behavior. and I would much rather be working than having to fake enjoying myself at some activity I just want to end.To keep this on topic, I do so love my current employer because his idea of work based social stuff consists of a Christmas party once a year at an excellent restaurant.
@ThatGuyThere said in RL things I love:
I so hate the 'social team building activities' that a former employer would have. Since you cannot really relax and enjoy them because you still have to be on work behavior. and I would much rather be working than having to fake enjoying myself at some activity I just want to end.
It's a movie, man. You just sit there in the dark and watch the funny pictures. It also depends on the team - for example I play basketball with my coworkers and the way we talk and act on the court (including f-bombs) is way different than how it is in the workplace.
But yes, it does depend on what the person 'in charge' of the social outings expects. They can totally blow it.
All I can saw is you must have worked with far chiller people in the past than I have.
Sure watching the movie is fine, but then comes the talking about it afterwards when someone asks what did you think? Not work related i give an honest opinion, work related I have to ponder how to express it with out angering anyone so I don't have to deal with some point less grudge for /months/, yes I have literally worked with people who would hold a grudge about something stupid like that and it turns work into even more of a chore than work already is. (Real example, mentioning owning a Randy Moss Vikings jersey got me on a co-workers shit-list, note not wearing it, not bringing it to the office but mentioning it existed.)
This is why I have the policy of not talking about anything not work related at work unless I know the person fairly well. Even so I tone down any opinion to about one quarter normal intensity. -
The day when you literally start to hit rock bottom because what should be easy has turned infinitely hard, to the next date when you're having to turn down to many job offers than you can shake a stick at.
To bad the one that interests me most wants me to work 60-80 hours a week
Coffee when you've only had two hours sleep. ALL the coffee.
One of my projects for the class I'm finishing up was a short story. Came out just shy of 4,000 words in the end.
Horror. Cyberpunk.
Love both genres. Never written a story in either.
I think I rocked it. My instructor fuckin' loved the rough draft. Like, we're talking a 100% on the rough draft.Just submitted the revision for the final. 15% of my grade. I think I nailed it. Like I've already identified a place to submit it to. I'm proud of this. I think I nailed it.
...I wrote all the initial drafts, revisions, and notes by hand, too. Ran a pen out of ink. Don't even care. I'm just proud of this shit, damnit.
Being told by my doctor that they don't need to cut up my boobs any more than they already have in an attempt to prevent cancer. ^_^
my reputation is 699. aw yeah, iykwimaityd.
@Meg said in RL things I love:
my reputation is 699. aw yeah, iykwimaityd.
And ruined with a single upvote.
But can you put text in it? Because that would be badass, and I can guess the kinds of things you would make it say.
I would wuss out and make it say something more like, "Stop staring."
And this just in!
(Literally. It arrived at the receiving desk 45 minutes ago.)
Now to clarify, these aren't actually for me. (I may get myself another set mind...) These are something I'm going to insert into the oh-so-boring wedding gift my wife is getting for some friends. I even have a lovely blue velvet pouch of the appropriate size to hold all five dice. There will be a metal plate attached into which I will have etched (with a laser etcher I have here) something similarly racy on one side and, in Chinese and English both on the other "For the wedding night!"
I will probably be murdered by my wife.
@WTFE I am just going to sit over here envying your laser etch rig really hard. Reallllllllly hard.
Also: that is oddly perfect.
@surreality What a coincidence! The image I've selected for the tag involves something that's reallllllly hard as well!
@WTFE Giving the happy couple a primer on sexual positions on their wedding day is a very old tradition in China.
(Work safe. I think.)
This will lose me points, but I really like weak coffee. My coworkers make this battery acid that makes everything cosmic all the time, and brag about strong coffee but fuck that shit, I like coffee that tastes good and doesn't trigger migraines.