I want a llama but I'm gonna settle for a goat.
RL things I love
I want a llama but I'm gonna settle for a goat.
Being the first person someone felt safe enough to come out to as bi today. And knowing that everyone else they came out to after was nothing but supportive. Ahhh witnessing baby gay's first steps! I'm so proud!
After six months, I have a really good solid lead on a job. I applied last Wednesday, got an interview request the same day (had the interview the following day). Today, they called to confirm rates with me.
I don't think they'd do that if I wasn't being held in high consideration for a position. I'm tentatively hopeful. It'd be work from home (even after covid) and the pay is really good with good benefits.
So.... yeah.
These last few weeks have been TRYING. I ended up in the ER for something that challenged my mobility. This was right about when I was planning to move out and get my feet back under me (hahaha pun). So I took a few days to feel sorry for myself.
Then I bought an adapter for my car to allow me to use hand controls instead of feet controls. This is odd, but hey, I'm back to driving. Today, I just moved the rest of my stuff in and my dog. So, after getting out of a rough situation, living with family for a few I am... back.. on.. my own..
All the praise hands and things. I just am beyond happy that I have this place and that we live in a world that things can adapt as one needs it.
There are no words to express my excitement. I'm assuming it'll run on a version of Cortex similar to the Marvel Heroic RPG.
Legends of Grayskull RPG. -
@Auspice Is that goldstone? The wire wrapping is lovely.
@Macha Looks like goldstone.
Iiiiii don't remember what type of stone it is so I'm gonna go with @SinCerely and her expertise here. XD
How about we settle on "It's a real purty stone, and I'm jealous."
This is her etsy shop. She both makes jewelry and sells restored vintage jewelry.
...just don't buy the Sarah Coventry necklace/bracelet cause I plan to once I can budget for it. (Or do I mean I can't control what you do but I've been lusting after it ;.; )
@Auspice Fun fact: goldstone is actually a kind of man-made glass material. It's very pretty and often misnamed 'sunstone' which is a naturally occurring stone and one of my favorites. AND ALL OF THEM ARE PRETTY.
@SinCerely said in RL things I love:
@Auspice Fun fact: goldstone is actually a kind of man-made glass material. It's very pretty and often misnamed 'sunstone' which is a naturally occurring stone and one of my favorites. AND ALL OF THEM ARE PRETTY.
And I just dug through (now that I'm back on my PC) my etsy purchases and yes! It is goldstone.
There's also a blue-violet version that's very 'starry night sky'.
Six weeks until Eldest leaves for college. He is super excited and a little nervous. He's been slowly packing things away into the boxes to take with and the boxes to store (a lot of times with assistance in sorting on request but he's doing a great job). I'm super excited for him. There is a part of me that is very fretful (the school closed the residence hall dorms and put everyone needing housing in the campus apartments, which is pretty swank) because of the worry of violence. Even though I know this campus is like...probably the safest campus in the universe for a trans person, the apartment with 5 unknown roommates is very nerve wracking for momma but I am staying out of it and keeping my frets to myself! In any case he knows how to advocate for himself, we are only a couple of hours away and he will have local emergency contacts too <3.
When he gets to college all the roommate groups will be quarantined for 2 weeks. No big freshman minglers but its clear they are thinking outside of the box to help the first year folks transition into college life despite the weird circumstances. I'm happy for him. We are having a good time doing lots of stuff together and he's spending a lot of time with little brother (who is 6) who they have a very special bond.
But yeah, I think in addition to the struggles with covid mental health effects, I'm definitely going to be riding the roller coaster of Oh Shit My Kid Is Actually Leaving For College and Truly Starting Their Own Life Now. Hopefully I can keep my shit together and not be a blubberer until I'm in the car driving home after getting him settled!!
@mietze You're a good mom!
@mietze said in RL things I love:
Hopefully I can keep my shit together and not be a blubberer until I'm in the car driving home after getting him settled!!
Not a parent and never will be, so I'm honestly asking: is this a moment where your kids can be your friends, and share the responsibility of adult relationships with you by supporting your emotional needs?
@GreenFlashlight said in RL things I love:
@mietze said in RL things I love:
Hopefully I can keep my shit together and not be a blubberer until I'm in the car driving home after getting him settled!!
Not a parent and never will be, so I'm honestly asking: is this a moment where your kids can be your friends, and share the responsibility of adult relationships with you by supporting your emotional needs?
Yes and no. Both parent and child are going through an emotional situation. Support can happen, of course, but it has to be both ways.
@GreenFlashlight No, I don't think so. This is a natural transition, and I think as a parent you have to be really careful to NOT burden your adult children with too much. (Some of this comes from being the only kid of a very needy and unable to let go mentally ill parent I'm sure). I didn't cry in front of them when my kids were all in school full time that first day (a major life transition because I'd been a stay at home mom for so long) either. Maybe when he's a little older (like at college graduation) and we've had more time together as closer-to-peers. Right now we're both very much in parent/child mode, and I don't want to add to HIS "oh shit, I'm a little closer to being on my own now" with "OMG I need to take care of mom too."