At one point I would have gotten the Virtual Adepts symbol. But let's be honest; it's pretty cool in its own right.
RL things I love
At one point I would have gotten the Virtual Adepts symbol. But let's be honest; it's pretty cool in its own right.
I've thought about getting the Tremere symbol somewhere, but then I am like 'eh, I'm full of holes, that's enough...' -
Making the nice young man (who looked like half my age) behind the counter blush when I asked if you could buy only chocolate starfish (at the Godiva store).
Only way it could have gotten better is if I had been actually meaning to be embarrassing! (Or if my teenagers were behind me).
The other pins I won at auction came today. $51 plus shipping for 9 pins, so really good deal. I said I'd share pictures, so here we go.
Original Lasombra, Ventrue, Baali, Gangrel and Brujah.
Duplicate Brujah, Salubri, Giovanni and Assamite.
I am pleased with my purchase, oh yes.
ETA: Are the pictures showing for you guys?
Canuck the Crow is out of the hospital and hanging out with Cassiar again.
I had a good trip. Part of me wasn't ready to come home. The wedding was more enjoyable than not, going to the Kennedy Center to see Chicago was awesome (Brandy as Roxie Hart was adorable, y'all).
But I missed my cat and coming home to a cat that is all purr and love (she doesn't do the snub thing) is amazing.
More an 'RL thing I'm hopeful about'
Saw the neurologist today. I'm being put on a preventative (Trokendi) and once it's in my system, if I tolerate it (as in the side effects aren't too severe), I'll start getting infusion treatments of DHE 45 and toradol.
I made it cross country! That means my car made it. Also, I forgot that the 'Heartland' is so green.
Yeah, lots of wins lately. I ain't gonna apologize. Especially when the migraines are still pretty fuckin' bad.
I had a paper to write last week. I struggled with it pretty hard because it was on analyzing tragic or comedic elements of a poem while supporting our argument... and I hated both poems we were given to choose from.
Ended up getting it done just a few hours shy of the deadline on Sunday.
Today, I got my grade back. 100 and the following feedback:
This is one of the most well-reasoned, well-supported arguments I've seen in a while. I'm so glad that you were able to think critically about this piece and break down its parts like this. We don't have to "like" a piece to learn from it, and you've presented a great objective argument. Would you mind if I used this as an example for students that are struggling with how to incorporate evidence? I think it would be a big help.I am going to screenshot it and save it as a reminder to myself the next time I'm really struggling with an assignment.
I am pretty much not a fan of the dick pic, y'all.
An ex of mine used to send them to me on the regular. This was wince-making in a lot of ways, but it made him feel fab, so whatevs. He was also very self-conscious about his (totally normal and not at all small) size to a pathological degree but still seemed unable to ever stop himself from whipping it out when on what had otherwise been perfectly normal chatter video calls sometimes.
Year or so after shit ends, I run into another chick online he was apparently cheating on me with. She talks about all the dick pics he used to send her...
...and how huge he was.
I make a joke about 'well let's just be grateful the firecrotch is out of our lives' because he was VERY much that.
And she was initially confused as fuck, because, '...but his pubes were like BLACK BLACK.'
At which point we both realized he had apparently scoured the internet for a sizable number of someone else's dick pics to send her to pretend to be the proud owner of a 12 inch cock.
So we know my woe... wooooooe.
I'm out of work. My sister was awesome and like oh hey you almost died, sure come live here for a bit. It's okay we haven't talked for like a decade really. It's been a smooth transition (freakishly so) like we just picked up where we left off.
I was teasing her about getting her (already short) hair cut because she had an appointment today. I was like man I can't wait to get working and get mine trimmed or even someone just washing my hair (don't judge me - it's awesome). Then we laughed about shaving my head.
She comes in from the hair appointment and totally paid for a haircut AND tip via gift certificate she got me!
Sometimes I forget people can be thoughtful.
@Catsmeow said in RL things I love:
or even someone just washing my hair (don't judge me - it's awesome). Then we laughed about shaving my head.
Upvoted for truth. I rarely have much hair since I tend to just have to keep it at the length of stubble or shaved. But when it gets a little long and I don't feel like dicking with it, I'll visit a place to cut it down so that it's easier to self-manage. After each cut they give me a wash and scalp massage. It's amazing. There's something about someone else washing your hair that just makes your legs turn into jelly - and not in any sort of sexual way. Just so relaxed afterward that one may feel wobbly.
9 times out of 10, I get my hair cut just for the wash / head massage-y.
I was having a bad day once. Like one of those days that you either need to cry or break something because NOTHING is going right. So I swung into a Great Clips. I walked in and was like I would like my hair washed and blow dried please. No style. No cut. Just please wash and dry it. --- They did.
My day improved.
@Catsmeow said in RL things I love:
I was having a bad day once. Like one of those days that you either need to cry or break something because NOTHING is going right. So I swung into a Great Clips. I walked in and was like I would like my hair washed and blow dried please. No style. No cut. Just please wash and dry it. --- They did.
My day improved.
Totally legit.
Some people do retail therapy when depressed; I get my hair cut. Just for that experience. It can do wonders. -
Dunno if anyone else has watched it, but I I caught the first two episdoes of the new season of MST3K on Netflix.
Amazing. If you're Mistie, go watch them.
I"m just stupid enough to want to try this.
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
9 times out of 10, I get my hair cut just for the wash / head massage-y.
I went to a random cosmetology school to get my hair cut a couple weeks ago. They had massage chairs I could lounge in while I got my hair shampooed. It was a revelation. I will be doing this again.