@Arkandel I shouldn't laugh. I shouldn't. But that sounds so, so, so familiar. Like, that was just the stuff in the closet with the door we weren't supposed to open. There was a fenced-in area at the back of the other side of the basement with steel walls behind the fencing and locks on both. I don't even want to know.
RL Anger
@Arkandel I shouldn't laugh. I shouldn't. But that sounds so, so, so familiar. Like, that was just the stuff in the closet with the door we weren't supposed to open. There was a fenced-in area at the back of the other side of the basement with steel walls behind the fencing and locks on both. I don't even want to know.
My asshole ex-uncle had a creepy automatic weapon collection, but he kept them all in a safe that he had a hard time opening, at least. He had a creepy panic room, too.
My asshole ex-uncle had a creepy automatic weapon collection, but he kept them all in a safe that he had a hard time opening, at least. He had a creepy panic room, too.
I mean is there a way to have a nice, normal panic room?
Lots of fluffy throw pillows.
I want a Don't Panic! room, full of bubble wrap, bean bag chairs, fuzzy throws, abundant kittens, and an endless coffee dispenser. With Netflix.
@surreality I wish I could upvote this a million.
@surreality You forgot towels.
@surreality You forgot towels.
If you're a Con-goer, esp. Origins or GenCon, there is a lady who makes very nicely embroidered 'Don't Panic' towels. You should all buy one from her.
(She's a friend-of-a-friend, but I support all crafters and really, her towels ARE quite nice.) -
@surreality said in RL Anger:
I want a Don't Panic! room, full of bubble wrap, bean bag chairs, fuzzy throws, abundant kittens, and an endless coffee dispenser. With Netflix.
If you have cats then a panic room won't be of any use to you. Good luck getting them to go in there (or anywhere) at a time of need.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
I want a Don't Panic! room, full of bubble wrap, bean bag chairs, fuzzy throws, abundant kittens, and an endless coffee dispenser. With Netflix.
If you have cats then a panic room won't be of any use to you. Good luck getting them to go in there (or anywhere) at a time of need.
Not mine. They follow me everywhere around the apartment. One even begins crying if she's been napping, wakes up, and I'm not in the room as expected.
...honestly it gets tiresome eventually. -
@Arkandel Pfft, you will go in there only to find that they have all been in there for three days without you knowing. They have managed to change the settings for the locks, the camera is set to motion capture only, and somehow the ten year supply of cat food is down to one.
I have thought about putting a secured room in our house, because I know with murphy's law if there's any place that the house is going to collapse once the big one hits, it's going to be the area that I keep a large portion of our supplies for the shit hitting the fan. Having a reinforced room would be awesome, and then I wouldn't need to split shit up between several different places (though I probably would anyway, because I'm lazy and it already is where it is). I'm sure it would still be creepy to some folks, kind of organized but also a whole bunch of stuff flung in there to make the rest of the house presentable sort of way.
There is a group of anti-gay people that is going to protest at the next school board meeting, because they are angry that the district has a very affirming/inclusive environment. (This was vital to my oldest's mental health, I believe...while there was bullying from some students, which can happen for anything regardless of anyone's identity, the policies applied made it safe for him to be able to use the restroom, be addressed appropriately by staff/teachers, the schools were allowed to have GSA clubs so he had several teachers and students who were safe, ect.)
One of these anti-gay people was stupid enough to post a link in a neighborhood group to their very slick website that is full of misinformation, the usual scare tactics, the call for "unity and respect for everyone's beliefs, so please keep your gayness to yourself, I don't want my children exposed to such depravity," ect.
I am fucking tired. We fought like hell to get these policies in place in our district. Many of us have been fighting like hell to keep protections in place, including many hours of driving 2.5 hours one way to testify for 10 minutes in the state capitol, alongside many many others. I personally have been called just about every name in the book by the many bigots, redpill-ers, fundamentalists, ect. because my name is public at many of these events.
I wish that once you got a policy in place it was DONE, but it's not. so next Monday I get to sit through a very inconvenient 4 PM board meeting because we are going to make sure that we outnumber the people who want the kids and everyone else to go back in the closet. My kid has AP testing prep so probably won't make it, but I'm reading his statement. I want to look these bigots in the face. They're anonymous right now, because of course they are, but in order to be at the meeting they're going to have to look hopefully hundreds of people who are LGBTQ+ parents with kids in the district, or parents of LGBTQ+ kids in the district, or both, and have to say that they think we should be erased from discussion/acknowledgement, as if that's going to shield their kids from finding out that gay people exist and their parents have lied to them about how horrible they are.
I'm going to do it, I'm glad I got the reminder it's still very important. But I am so fucking tired as hell.
My evening started off pretty good. Had a nice dinner, saw Captain Marvel with friends. Except for...
The guy at the theater ticket counter who offered the unsolicited advice that we don't need to see Captain Marvel if we were planning on seeing Endgame.
The after-the-fact discovery on facebook that someone I thought was a good friend had what was apparently an awesome birthday party.
Someone else on FB deciding to spew anti-choice rhetoric on my wall.
I am so tired of people.
Update, apparently after securing parental permission (and giving mine as well since I got the AP testing day wrong) I am giving a ride to 7 teens from the GSA club at the high school over to the school board meeting, even though we will need to take off one period early so they have a chance to get there in time to make the speaking list. Also cool are the many offers they've received from adults that will be glad to sign up and then yield their time to them I'd necessary and we dont get there right when the doors open. So yay, I just get to hand out support stickers and keep my mouth shut.
@surreality If you want a 9mm, look into the Sig Compact (and there's one smaller, a Sub-Compact I believe. It's been years and it was too small for my hands). I know I'm late to the party.
"Because I kept tripping over the syllables and sounding like an idiot, mostly."
Then I realized the post above was about school shootings and it just felt gauche.
Don't worry about it. I'm so gauche I'm practically sinister.
@Taika Definitely will. I am very ignorant on this front, but I'm looking to educate myself. Everyone's help here has been very much appreciated.
Generally, I wish this guy would just recognize: 'I have shut off as many means of you contacting me as possible to the extent that you need to keep making new accounts all over the place regularly to try to get around them, stop trying to engage me in any way'.
I do not want to hear from this guy. I do not want anything to do with him at all. A few years back, I tried to be empathetic regarding his bullshit behavior, and he stopped for a while. He is not stopping this time, and I have told him I'm not here to be his therapist. I do not exist to provide him emotional support or to be his punching bag. He is not in any way entitled to my attention, and no matter what it is he wants to say, I don't want to hear it.
He has used up every drop of empathy I could possibly ever have for him and I have forgiven and forgotten and door-matted like I'm going for a medal much of the time. I am so done with this guy. I knew him in the 90s and the only contact we've had since is this abusive bullshit nonsense, and he is incapable of just going away, especially when he knows someone wants him gone.
To Said Dude:
I want you out of my life completely, in every form.
I do not care what you have to say.
I do not care what you want.
I do not care how you feel any more.
I don't care that you apparently cannot seem to help yourself, and that this behavior stems from some form of mental illness and emotional distress.
I want nothing to do with it or you and nothing is ever going to change that at this point.If you showed up to hand me a suitcase full of twenty million dollars before turning around and walking away, I would not let you in the door.
If we were the last two people on this earth, you would have to talk to yourself.
If the only thing standing between me and falling off a skyscraper was you, I would prefer to splat on the sidewalk.
ETA: Report with law enforcement sent.
Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies. Fuck towing companies.
Dear Boss,
It's funny how what isn't acceptable for me, is for everyone else. And no, if I am not leaving my desk, I don't NEED to lock my computer. When you call me out for something 'wrong' in an email I sent 60 seconds ago, and IGNORE the one I send you telling you I'm having a sugar crash, you just confirm you're a C U Next Tuesday.