Apr 26, 2017, 2:30 PM

@Arkandel: I never, ever take Rock outside without being on a leash, unless we are in a completely enclosed area. Because if he decides to take off, well - he'll make 45 mph in six to eight strides. I keep him away from cats in general, and I always have access to at least one muzzle (I keep a backup in my car just in case, as well).

I used to go to dog parks, and I would let the smaller dog owners know, "hey, my dog has a prey drive, please keep an eye on your little one" - sometimes they'd just shrug me off, and fortunately nothing terrible happened, but I'm hyperaware that it could have.

I don't generally expose Rock to cats, I'm just tired of every cat owner I know when having a conversation insisting that their feline can kick my dog's ass. Like yes, I get it, cats can hold their own against a lot of different dogs, but greyhounds are trained hunters and they're fast as fuck, but it's just as likely he will get his jaws around your furbaby and things will not end well. It's like they want to start a pissing contest I'd rather not get into in the first place.