RL Anger
It's so stupid but I am near to tears; as it is I have trouble communicating and when I ask for clarification someone implying that I'm stupid or being sarcastic about it isn't helpful and makes me feel like shit.
No, being mocked for any miscommunication—misunderstanding, mishearing, misreading, misspeaking, etc.—never does. Sympathies.
It's so stupid but I am near to tears; as it is I have trouble communicating and when I ask for clarification someone implying that I'm stupid or being sarcastic about it isn't helpful and makes me feel like shit.
No, being mocked for any miscommunication—misunderstanding, mishearing, misreading, misspeaking, etc.—never does. Sympathies.
Can we bronze/pin this response?
SET: UNFINDABLE PLAN: I am here to talk to one RL friend. That's it. Reject: %xr%xhPages are turned off completely. Don't take it personally.%xn PageLock: MyCharName(####PXc) MailLock: MyCharName(####PXc) FINGER-NOTE: Both pages and mail are locked due to harassment. If you randomly page or try to mail me, well, nothing personal, but I'm tired of playing daily whack-a-mole with +ignore and someone I want nothing to do with, and will not leave me alone.
This has all been set like this for at least a month now. Meanwhile...
[5:33] Reject message sent to Voyeur1.
[5:33] Reject message sent to Voyeur1.
[5:33] Reject message sent to Voyeur1.
[5:33] Reject message sent to Voyeur1.
[5:34] Reject message sent to Voyeur1.
<my client auto-reconnects after I idle out, because I am asleep>
[5:47] Reject message sent to Voyeur1....keeps happening.
This ain't a random guest. Same time range as their attacks and 'ignore the fact that no message is even getting through' pattern as the person all of the above is and has been set to avoid contact with. (I will not be removing any of those blocks since the person I actually talk to connects from the room I'm in anyway and don't need to talk to anyone else there anyway.)
Nota bene to the creeps out there: stop being so offended that people call this harassment, stalking, etc. when you constantly make new accounts or guest in somewhere to send messages to people who have established means of preventing you from communicating with them.
I mean, jesus, see sig. Since that's hit or miss dodgy, in addition? I get to wake up every morning and add any new user accounts here that I don't recognize to the 'ignore chats from' list, since there's a delay on when someone can post to the forum, but nodeBB is such a bag of ass, people can send harassing PMs the moment they create an account. (ASK ME HOW I KNOW! -.-)
The odds of having to groggily blargle-thhssssp through those three calls with twelve titanium nails instead of teeth rapidly rises from zero.
Already, even. Goddamn.
@surreality sounding puzzled I don't remember that archetype on... Ohhhh, wait. VOYEUR.
@TNP Yeah, I still have the 'sits idle 24/7 in its room' Shang login to keep in touch with a friend of mine there going through cancer recovery that pops in once a month to catch up about life for like, half an hour. It's our only means of contact, so I keep it just sitting there to catch him when he pops in.
Add a client side filter so you don't even see the rejects.
@Misadventure Not doing that. Frankly, it's a warning that they'll likely show up here soon and start in via PM and a freshly made account, which means I know to come here and block things lest more triggery crap spews all over my screen. Also keeping a record because since I've had to contact the authorities, a record of the times and attempts and how long they're being sustained is potentially relevant.
The filter can be set to still go to logs while not displaying. Just a thought.
@Misadventure Doesn't give me the heads-up that I need to come here and start blocking accounts made in the last 20 minutes from PM, though. Which is helpful. Very helpful.
Perhaps admins could find a plugin that allowed people to be blocked to all BUT specified accounts?
@Arkandel any hope? -
@Misadventure There's no magic to this (unless we write our own custom nodebb extensions, which isn't going to happen); either the functionality already exists or it doesn't, and if it does it'll be on nodebb's list of plugins.
Can you whitelist?
Ex: IF people in this list page then allow it, if not send rejection message.
I imagine the approved list would be small ane easier to maintain.
@Arkandel It seems that a plugin for that does not already exist, although there is a feature request for something similar that folks could comment on/upvote if they like.
@Ghost There's an option under the privacy settings to "Only allow chat messages from users I follow". So you can kinda use that as a whitelist.
@Tinuviel No idea. The documentation doesn't say (that I could find) but it seems like it would be easy enough to test.
From medical records.
"Child was restrained in forward facing car seat. Mother, who was not involved in the accident, was sitting in the car with Child at the time EMS arrived. Mother explained that Child was just adopted from Beijing. Mother stated that Child's culture in Beijing had taught them not to cry or they would be abused."
Fuck you, you racist piece of shit.
Fuck cancer. That is all.
@Taika Fuck cancer.