RL Anger
And it should be noted, I truly have nothing against Surreality.
Sometimes I back down and say I was in the wrong. I have before, about the journals.
But Kanye-West and etc stated their point concisely and calmly and I was like well that makes sense to me.That being said, I do apologize. I didn't mean for you to feel personally attacked. I am beyond understanding the whole situation at this point, but I doubt that I was fully in the right.
I like how @shangexile helped bring us all together and did something positive for @surreality
Thanks, bruh.
@kk S'all good.
I also did not realize you thought I was attributing that statement to you as part of a group. Knowing how much I hate having words put in my mouth, that would have pissed me off, too, and I apologize if I gave anyone the impression that you were in any way responsible for saying the 'people must be offended' stuff; you absolutely did not do that (and it was appreciated that you didn't!). I absolutely understand why you'd be upset if you thought that's what I was saying.
I was kinda confused at first, myself, since we had seemed to end the convo over there on a fairly respectful note on both sides -- which I hope can continue.
@Ghost It really is sort of spectacularly funny when you think about it.
@surreality Digging into my zen-brain, I like to think of it as this:
Yourself and KK have a disagreement. Sao and I had a disagreement.
There's a big difference between a disagreement and aggressive, predatory behavior, and when I look at actual predatory behavior, it makes my disagreement seem petty.
It puts things into perspective.
@shangexile said in RL Anger:
Much use of the word "creep". In honor of that, some musical entertainment.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLPZmPaHme0A far far better version:
@Ghost This is really the only reply I have left for him at this point:
Not sure if it is snarky enough. Perhaps this:
Memes and gifs are truly creative outlets that do not show a lack of originality at all.
@Admiral There's a certain point at which that's the ideal. Namely, "this is not worth any actual mental or emotional energy, have a snarky gif."
@Admiral nah, son. memes and gifs are awesome. if you disagree, you are universally wrong.
New Topic: I hatelove Castlevania on Netflix.
I love it because it's a lot of fun.
I hate it because there are only 4 episodes.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
...er, discussing things that make us angry RL in the RL Anger thread is not, in any way, derailing the thread. This shit makes people angry, RL. This is a thread for things that make people angry RL.
Of course not. This is a good thread to ramble and rant in. Then again, so's Random Bitching, as far as I'm concerned, and that's where, apparently, discussing this is apparently a derailment.
But, I'm glad things have been ironed out.
Which means, technically, I win.
Give me a lolly.
@Ganymede Eh... is still supposed to be game things to me but we can agree to disagree on that and I am tired like whoa and the text is too wiggly at this point to write much.
I am out of lollies, but I do have some kickass ice cream, and you're more than welcome to some. (Truly, I need to do a 'things I love' post about that stuff... )