@Sunny Do you think any of them actually play on MU*s?
RL Anger
@Sunny Do you think any of them actually play on MU*s?
@Misadventure Considering they post at length about their experience on MUs, and mostly how they get kicked off for being disruptive, unfortunately yes.
Hmm, let me alter the question: do they actually play like a regular player, or are they just trolls?
I feel these people must easily trip my "has nothing to say in a meaningful way" trigger, as I tend to skip them after about 2 sentences.
@apos Did they go to Arx?
I do not know, nor do I care.
With @Sunny on this one. Who cares if they are an asshole in only some walks of life? I'm confused.
@sunny is correct. I mean, who the f knows, and I for one don't care.
I try not to speculate what someone is or isn't like in RL if I just encounter them on MUs or just encounter them on the boards. I also take all things I'm told in these settings with a grain of salt (though not a very vocal grain, because I don't want to be that person who's claiming Cirno isn't black or something). If they're acting like regular players on MUs they're probably flying below the radar and everyone's happier for it, but their trolling here is pretty obvious.
You asked me a question, directly. Tagging me and everything. The answer to that question was that I don't know or care. It wasn't even something you should actually expect me to know. How the fuck am I supposed to know if some random twits on the internet log into some other site?
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
@Sunny Do you think any of them actually play on MU*s?
See? Direct. Question. You do not get to call me out directly and then fucking bitch because I answered you with an opinion you didn't like, claiming you weren't asking me. Fuck. You. If you don't want me to answer you QUIT TAGGING ME.
Lying about it is just icing on the fucked up cake.
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
@Sunny Do you think any of them actually play on MU*s?
I would say it is likely, there is an entire section of that board devoted to RPG table top gaming, and given that the Venn diagram of Table top players and MU players has significant overlap I would say it is almost a certainty some do MU.
Sadly, what I have seen from their behavior here while likely to get someone shown the door on most games would be a unique thing to see on games. -
@Sunny This is a direct tag.
I asked you a previous question. With a tag. I asked another question about Arx. I have no idea if you play there.
So no, wasn't asking you in particular, have a means to do so, didn't.
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
Hmm, let me alter the question: do they actually play like a regular player, or are they just trolls?
I feel these people must easily trip my "has nothing to say in a meaningful way" trigger, as I tend to skip them after about 2 sentences.
@apos Did they go to Arx?
Find me the goddamn tag. FIND IT.
I realize that in the flow of conversation one post may seem to be speaking to same person as a prior one, but there is no @!Sunny, if there was I would certainly make use.
@ThatGuyThere I'm was curious, as some folks are really obnoxious on MSB but fairly okay on games, but if we have no certain links between players and posters ... not much more to do atm.
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
@Sunny Do you think any of them actually play on MU*s?
I do not know, nor do I care.
WTF is wrong with you? My 'I don't know or care' was a direct reply to 'do you think any of them actually play on MU*s?'.
ETA: To go even further, I obviously didn't reply to the other post you quoted, because it was not directed at me. The previous post, there is no way, shape, or form you can even BEGIN to say it wasn't directed to me because IT WAS DIRECTLY ADDRESSED TO ME.
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
I realize that in the flow of conversation one post may seem to be speaking to same person as a prior one, but there is no @!Sunny, if there was I would certainly make use.
It's when you get this obtuse that you become unpleasant to converse with.
Fuck CSS. Have I said this before? Oh well.
Like, I am so serious. I don't even know if I can make it work the way I want to. I am using flexing elements to display a customizable screen where people can select their own cards to show up in certain orders on a table grid. I use a table to display and make it fill the whole page. Except that /sometimes/ they might open a new card and that-- is where I get stuck. Because now I need to no longer fill the screen but also have a scroll to see the new stuff? Idk. Thank you for being my unwitting audience as I try to figure this problem out.
Is it worse than Confluence?
God, people can be real assholes.
A couple of weeks ago the co-worker who brings in the Friday breakfast food was out, so my friend H. decided she was going to do it. The usual guy goes to a Safeway, H. (and I, we carpool) went to QFC because it was on our way and I remarked that she shouldn't have to do this for a bunch of ungrateful assholes. She thought that was a bit harsh.
Today at lunch another co-worker decided to say to me, "I don't know who was responsible for the breakfast the week the usual guy wasn't here, but they really did the shitty job!"
Let me point out that this food is free. But apparently getting Sara Lee bagels instead of bakery bagels is "shitty". H. didn't go out of her way. And then I was stupid and told H. what was said. I am regretting doing so, because she's a very sensitive, sweet woman.
I wouldn't have told her. I'd have just told Douchebag 'Maybe you should buy them instead.'
I dunno why people bitch about free food.
I fuckin' love free food. Free food is the best food. -
@Auspice Yeah, I shouldn't have told her. But I did tell off the bitch in question.