@Sunny This is a direct tag.
I asked you a previous question. With a tag. I asked another question about Arx. I have no idea if you play there.
So no, wasn't asking you in particular, have a means to do so, didn't.
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
Hmm, let me alter the question: do they actually play like a regular player, or are they just trolls?
I feel these people must easily trip my "has nothing to say in a meaningful way" trigger, as I tend to skip them after about 2 sentences.
@apos Did they go to Arx?
Find me the goddamn tag. FIND IT.
I realize that in the flow of conversation one post may seem to be speaking to same person as a prior one, but there is no @!Sunny, if there was I would certainly make use.
@ThatGuyThere I'm was curious, as some folks are really obnoxious on MSB but fairly okay on games, but if we have no certain links between players and posters ... not much more to do atm.