Jul 12, 2017, 7:41 PM

@surreality said in RL Anger:

I'd say accusing someone of doing something constitutes an attack, YMMV.

You're making me agree with @Kanye-Qwest on this one. I think you need to re-read what @kk wrote:

I believe that you argued that threads shouldn't be derailed over this stuff and yet here you are four days later on another thread still complaining that people didn't like that word being used.

I also don't recall anyone outright saying or even implying that people have to be offended by cunt.

I don't think @kk's assessment in the first part is correct, but I believe the second is. In either case, I don't see a personal attack in there at all.

People can be mistaken about what a person is or is not doing, and I don't believe that is, rhetorically or otherwise, a personal attack.