@kitteh Here's the problem: I wasn't complaining that I am not getting attention at all times. I don't want attention at all, most of the time, let alone for the shit I consider 'high value victimization'. As stated elsewhere: this is not the place for that, full stop.
The only 'high value victimization' I have discussed on the forum here was in a fight with @Ghost a few months back, and, ironically enough, in discussion with @shangexile here a page or so back. You will, ideally, notice I'm not asking people to feel sad or offer me headpats or sympathy or support for any of it, and that it's relevant only in context of: "Dude, you knew about this stuff... " which is relevant to that interaction -- which, itself, resolved with mutual empathy, compassion, and lots of uncomfortable honesty all around. I am not going to dig around for the exchange with @Ghost to find the reference, but I'm not asking anybody for cuddles or sad-eyed kittens there, either.
Saying, 'hey, isn't belaboring this endlessly a bit much, when there's shit actively going down on games that is problematic?' is not whining for personal attention, no matter how many times it was characterized as such. Is that easily taken as offensive or insulting? Sure, but I figured it was worth clarifying and/or correcting rather than trying to land a punch over it. (We can see how far that approach got, I guess.)
I will repeat: I have not been RPing anywhere to be generating any accounts of any sort of problem (to or from me) since January; I have no personal stories to be sharing here in the first place that I could even feel somehow slighted about. I am, actually, aware that I'm not exactly OK right now, and I'm not going to let that interfere with someone's experience on a game.
I don't especially feel super awesome being mocked for that, because I do feel I'm being mocked for something I admit openly and accept in a particularly ugly way, and feel I have tried to take reasonable steps to prevent from interfering with somebody else's fun hobby time.
@kk admitted she was calling me a hypocrite, and apologized for doing so. She then pointed out she felt I had accused her of saying shit she did not say -- which would offend me, too! -- and I apologized to her for that, because that was absolutely not my intention at all. (Then KQ calls this 'continuing to be a dick to her'. Starting to see the problem here? Yes, the dust had started to settle, and then... )
You will continue to see this how you like. So will I.
Calling me a harasser is extremely offensive to me.
I am asking you to leave me the fuck alone at this point. You will notice there are no insults to you in this post, despite plenty in yours to me, and it's that way for a reason.
Leave. Me. Alone.