RL Anger
Data suggests removing an easy to use commonly available means of suicide may reduce rates by 10%. That is what the UK experienced when they removed gas stoves.
eta: I realized this is an unclear number. Of the percent that were killing themselves with gas ovens, there was a 10% reduction. Suggesting that ease of acquiring or using a means is critical for about 10% of all folks. Maybe.
@Misadventure I imagine the introduction of the Wilkinson "Bonded Shaving System" in 1970 and the very popular BIC disposable razor in 1974 reduced suicide rates as well.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
Or maybe it's just as simple as being uncomfortable knowing there are guns in the house when you're not sure that in a moment of crisis, you wouldn't turn it on yourself, and you would be relieved if the gun was not so readily available to you because you have the self-awareness to recognize that you experience these moments of crisis in your life and want to stay away from things that could make it very easy to make impulsive and irreversible decisions in ways many other things do not allow for with such relative ease. (And you probably don't want those other things around much, either, for the same reason.)
Goddamn, people. That is in no fucking way political.
Maybe have the class and human decency to not take it there, please.
I have a far worse fear which is why there will never be a firearm in my house.
My fear is that I'm an extraverted suicide...
@WTFE Hell, been there, too.
@Tyche Yeah, actually.
Brutal honesty? Knowing that we have the 'old style' medicine cabinets (with the razor disposal slots that would drop the blades into the interior of the walls of the house -- gee I wonder why that isn't a trend any more?! o.o) and knowing that we found a pile of them behind one of them when refinishing the bathroom and were too weirded out to touch them, I had to have my husband lock that bathroom door when he'd be out of state for work because it's easy as pie to yank that medicine cabinet out. So, yeah.
He got asked to clean them out of there soon after.
As much as I hate to say it, though... guns are frighteningly effective by comparison and offer roughly zero time for reconsideration once the process begins; this is a genuinely important difference.
(FWIW, I have nothing against responsible gun ownership at all and would likely own one myself if I did not share this particular concern. Hell, own a tank if you wanna, so far as I'm concerned. I'm also 100% behind respecting people not wanting guns around them personally, regardless of their reason; this just happens to be an especially valid concern to have to my reckoning.)
Generally: Thing is, this... is not an easy thing for somebody to talk about. Please let's not turn it into a political football. Even as someone who just admitted to being in that same headspace quite often, it's making me uncomfortable to see, and I'm not even the one being quoted. So I'm making a general plea for some human decency and compassion on this point. Showing respect for others isn't a political thing, either, no matter how different the ways people often focus on doing it may be, OK? ...please?
Look, a subject change!
I hate the ER. Holy shit.
I also hate that I can't figure out how to get the snippet of video I got of the clock in our ER cubicle out of skype on the computer to preserve and share it somewhere, because holy crap that thing weirded me out more than the endless parade of needles. <eyetic>
This clock's second hand would just... freeze. Then skip ahead a ways. Freeze again. Skip ahead a ways. Freeze... repeat. Not even in the same places each time. At first I thought it was fever, 'cause there were no weird painkillers or anything involved here. So I point it out to my mother, who leaps in her chair as though she saw a spider when she sees it doing this, too, and I'm suddenly relieved that it's not just that my brain has decided to boil or something.
No, really. For some reason, this was one of the creepiest things I have ever seen in utterly mundane life. It was like somebody slipped a glitch into reality or something.
I do not know where to drop this info but people seem to be pretty interested in this thread so I will share it; my roommate works as a sales manager at a grocery store and he was told this, this morning, and called to let me know to tell other people. If you buy Busch's baked beans they are recalling the 28 ounce cans of the Brown Sugar Hickory, Country Style, and Original flavors. There are defects in the cans.
Geek Chic went bankrupt. Which means that we won't be getting the custom game table we paid about $8K for. We will be getting our money back from PayPal and Capital One. But damnit. We saved for years to finally get one and we were supposed to get it in October.
Kind of silly to be angry about, but...there it is.Additionally, when I spoke with the dude from Capital one, he didn't know what I was talking about, "Geek Chic...oh I see here ma'am, you mean Geek Chick"
No. That's not what I meant. Stop making my board-game-nerd-outrage worse.
@thebird I'm glad you got your money back, at least.
Sorry, man.
Was it spelled chick, or just said chick? Like clique (cleek or click) chic might be seen as sheek and chick (not sheik shake).
Geek Chic went bankrupt. Which means that we won't be getting the custom game table we paid about $8K for. We will be getting our money back from PayPal and Capital One. But damnit. We saved for years to finally get one and we were supposed to get it in October.
Kind of silly to be angry about, but...there it is.It's not silly. Those tables are basically board/tabletop game geek aspirational heirloom furniture (and beautiful, solid, durable furniture at that). Almost everyone who's gotten one spent years finding just the right spot, saving up, justifying it in their budget, etc. Having that snatched away at the last moment would be infuriating.
Geek Chic went bankrupt. Which means that we won't be getting the custom game table we paid about $8K for. We will be getting our money back from PayPal and Capital One. But damnit. We saved for years to finally get one and we were supposed to get it in October.
Kind of silly to be angry about, but...there it is.It's not silly. Those tables are basically board/tabletop game geek aspirational heirloom furniture (and beautiful, solid, durable furniture at that). Almost everyone who's gotten one spent years finding just the right spot, saving up, justifying it in their budget, etc. Having that snatched away at the last moment would be infuriating.
I definitely had one in mind for 'if I'm ever able to save up money,' so yeah. I feel you for sure.
@Auspice I have a lot of friends who wanted them. There was much mourning when that news hit.
Spelled Chic like "sheek", but said Chick, like a tiny baby chicken. Don't know why but it was like insult to injury but totally not the guys fault, haha.@Sparks
We had even ordered the chairs with the pattented butt hugging technologyOur old kitchen table and chairs are so broken ...
We we're going to go to rooms to go, but we ended up putting the returned money to a new AC and furnace, since both of ours completely crapped out yesterday. Damnit.
Double post...
What gets me is that, according to comments on various forms, there was a push from Geek Chic to get money from folks to ship their items, and then they announced going out of business and never shipped anything. What kind of bullshit is that? Not cool.
Just glad we could get our money back. There's a place in Greece that makes tables like that... ...maybe someday. -
The discussion with my game group during Origins (where there were two less expensive game table companies there) was that something happened after Game Chic fell apart after succeeding on Shark Tank, suggesting a connection. Maybe they over-reached, maybe they were harassed by the investor(s), maybe a combination of both.
Sometimes it's hard as hell to scale under the force of your own popular idea. I hope that they learned something and will restructure and try again.
@Thenomain There's real truth in that. Suddenly popularity can crush a tiny company working by the skin of their teeth on the margins fast.
When you have space and skilled personnel who can produce X per year, just getting $$$$$ more for materials isn't going to get you space to make more faster, or more people who know what they're doing. This gets all the more true the larger the items you make are, or how specific the skillset is to produce the desired item. Some things, the money can help with. Others, unless you're really damned good at allocating it well, will end up eating up money you never expected to be spending.
This actually happens a lot with tiny businesses.
It gets worse when you're working on a very thin profit margin, since the impulse is to reinvest. The above is how I nearly ended up bankrupt due to someone else's clerical error on a business that was well-received and seemed destined to keep growing somewhat faster than I could have predicted. The error was just big enough to prevent the purchases that would have allowed that business to keep going with materials needed for production, and the over all loss just enough to put me within $200 or so of bankruptcy that year.
It sucks, and it sucks hard, and money absolutely should be returned to anybody who put a deposit down for companies that operate with a pre-payment/deposit like this, but it is a thing that happens more than one might think.
'You seem to be doing really well with this!' is not always something people plan for the right way, or with enough of a buffer in case of emergency. (For instance, I'd picked up a pile of materials to keep going... but the error caused not just the inability to turn a profit, but to ensure I couldn't get the other half of the stuff req'd to actually produce anything from that point forward. I did dyework; I had and have a pile of things to be dyed. That's hard to do without the required dyes and processing chemicals, however, which is $2k I simply haven't had handy since.)
ok but like, I hate getting crushes on internet people?? I don't even know how I am so susceptible to them.
Except that I genuinely care about all of you fuckers so. I guess I know how.
@Meg Sorry, bb. Pimps don't fall in love.