@Ghost said in RL Anger:
@Pandora said in RL Anger:
Re: the whole 'kill yourself' thing - that's a fucked up thing to say to anyone; I don't advise anyone else to do it, but I can say it whenever I like and anyone that wants to be offended can feel free to be offended. It's literally no skin off my nose & I've never lost a friend over something I've said to someone I already didn't like
but if Pandora felt so inclined to say such a thing to someone, it's really up to the person who says it to determine whether or not they should feel bad about it.
Only if you ascribe to the idea that morals are relative to the person, and not universally to the actions (yes, speaking words is an action or typing them out in this case) that you take.
I would say, as someone believing in a universal morality, that telling someone to kill themselves is not a moral action. So if an action is not moral, one should feel some level of guilt or remorse over it if they are a moral person. That is what I posit. Others can feel free to feel differently, based on their own philosophies.