Mar 14, 2017, 3:12 PM

It's snowing where I live, so everybody at the company that I work for decided to "work from home." However, it's full of 40+-year-olds who don't want to try new things, which is ironic because they're all techies. They refuse to use something to the tune of Discord (or Ventrilo/TeamSpeak/Mumble/whatever), and instead insist on calling me every 10min on my cell phone to ask me questions like "where did you put this file?" or whatever. Then I have to sit in a 20-minute conference call between eight people for every inane detail of this shit. They then use this as basis to insist that telecommuting is "inefficient."

I honestly resent the fact that I might get a "talking to" about my inappropriate use of company email to send out the invite link, because this is real company, this is srs bsns, we don't use newfangled shit like software that wasn't written 15 years ago. Btw you're required to have decidedly unhip things like "HipChat." Get a job, kid. Get a real job, like us. A real job.

Will I turn into these people in 15-years' time? Is this the cycle of life? My God, shoot me now.