MSB alias/username
Because hedgehogs are awesome. And also because IRL I keep my hair about an inch long and glue it into spikes.
I was Sunshine on Ashes, because we picked weather phenomena and I was running the vampire sphere at the time. It transformed into a nickname and stuck. 3-4 years ago it somehow infected the offline world too. When it came time to pick a username, people call me this anyway. If I chose something else I'd still get referred to as Sunny, soooo.
Because I'm a surly cynical curmudgeon with a Clint Eastwood glare who isn't surprised by anything anymore.
I swear a lot and I like cats.
I came up with ZombieGenesis maybe 12 years ago? I hated having a number in my username and I wanted a new yahoo mail address because my last one was getting spammed to death. My friend had built me a Yu-Gi-Oh deck to try out with the Vampire Genesis card. I figured since it was a popular Yu-Gi-Oh card that name might be taken so I went with ZombieGenesis. I use it on most sites and things now. I've only not been able to get it 2 or three times (most notably on The Old Republic and X-Box Live).
My first staffing bit on DWR they told me to pick a name. I had insomnia. So I used it on the original WORA. Stuck with it.
Was told about this place by a friend. Wanted to comment on something. It was like, 4am and I'd been up for two days trying to hammer out a term paper from scratch since my original idea turned out to be unworkable, and it was a 400-level class. Literally everything I tried, failed, so finally when I had run out of ideas I sort of jokingly typed 'Derp' into the thing and amazingly, it took it. Since it was easy to remember I stuck with it.
I used to draw and make monograms in highschool. Doodles mostly, but the friends in my DnD group started calling me Mono because my player's handbook was covered in them from drawing idly during class and during game.
That's about it. And I just like how the word sounds. And because I played a serial thief who'd leave monograms of houses he burgled.
I've been Ninjakitten since last century, so why change now? I probably recognize it (and NK) as being me more quickly than I do my legal name, at this point.
My login name at SWOFA (which is the first of these boards I think I posted at) was Three-Leaf Clover, because I was 19 and precisely the kind of cliche that handle implies.
Then I was 3LC on WORA, which made very little sense but at least didn't make me cringe.
Now I'm an incorrect Game of Thrones reference (since it should be Three-Eyed Raven).
Blue is my favorite color. Blue on WORA was taken, thus I became Cobalt. And now I am Cobaltasaurus, because fuck you I do what I want.
I like Luna. Luna is best pony. Usually I go by Trucker Dave almost everywhere. Except when it's taken and I'm TheTruckerDave. That's a reference to how I come off as a dude online. (Even when I played on Cyber Sphere some dude named Rhyme or something accused me of being a guy so it started early) Someone on a a game called Glitch said that I was likely a 50 year old obese trucker named Dave. It stuck.
What's with girls claiming they come across as guys around here lately? Is that a thing?
@Arkandel Can't speak towards the other females on the board, but I tend to come off as a dude alot online because, well.. I was never really around a lot of women. I grew up surrounded by dudes, all my best friends were dudes, my favorite activities were all considered 'guy' things.. and since I smoked at least a pack a day for about 16 years, my voice is low enough that I can be mistaken for a guy over voice chat.
I've gotten so much GIRL = Guy In Real Life, I don't take it seriously when someone thinks I'm a dude. Although, I stopped getting so much of that when I stopped playing a lot of WoW with randoms.
Same. I don't think it says much about my writing style. Just, as a buddy mentioned recently when we were chatting about this, the default tends to be Dude on the Internet unless there are obvious indicators otherwise.
I'm a Japanese Frost Fairy.
Back in misty age of 2004, I joined a roleplaying PbP community called AvidGamers with the username "Mister Wizard," because there was a scene in the Matrix where Neo is running down an alley and he screams that into his flip-phone and I loved the Matrix to like, maybe an unhealthy degree as a teen. (Oh man, remember flip phones? And what pieces of shit they were?) The "General Board" forum was its own little mini-community that stuck around looooooong after the PbP part of the site died, so I wound up going by "Wizz" for short for like 12 years and there are people from there I've known since then who still call me that on Fbook and I was too lazy to pick anything else on WORA, the end.
@Arkandel said:
What's with girls claiming they come across as guys around here lately? Is that a thing?
Never happened to me, but I've heard of it. There's a couple players I can think of who make a very convincing dude (who I won't name, because privacy).
I am a woman. The beard is a prosthesis.