RL peeves! >< @$!#
Calling back to my last peeve, if this can even be termed a peeve: I also want to stab the people who say they'd support a government ban on the flag being used or sold, even by private entities. Just fucking kill yourselves, please. Goddamnit.
@Shebakoby Only on income EARNED in the US. I know because I filed US taxes at $0 for 6 years when living in Canada.
@Rook said:
@Shebakoby Only on income EARNED in the US. I know because I filed US taxes at $0 for 6 years when living in Canada.
oh yeah, that's right, because Canada and US have a tax treaty. You still have to file the damn returns though, which are a pain in the butt. IMO way worse than Canadian Income tax forms.
@Shebakoby said:
@Rook said:
@Shebakoby Only on income EARNED in the US. I know because I filed US taxes at $0 for 6 years when living in Canada.
oh yeah, that's right, because Canada and US have a tax treaty. You still have to file the damn returns though, which are a pain in the butt. IMO way worse than Canadian Income tax forms.
If you're not in a weirdly complicated tax situation, the number of ways to do basic taxes these days, especially if your income is basically $0, is high. I use TurboTax and do the taxes for 3 to 5 people, and have for like 8 years now with no problems. Unless you're itemizing a ton of shit or have a lot of extra stuff to account for, it's pretty much a breeze.
@tragedyjones I'm sorry. I understand the hurt and the anger.
About the flag stuff...I like people flying them. White, black, Mexican, whatever, go ahead! Because then I know you're white trash and to be avoided. (And yes, people of other races proudly fly the confederate flag, I don't know why).
Because those individuals are stupid.
I've been trying to think of a good descriptor for them, because "Uncle Tom" is outmoded.
As a native Texan, and a pretty proud one at that, I've really never felt any association with that stupid confederate battle flag. Or any confederate flag (because the actual CSA flag is different from the one most people think of and use). I've always considered myself Western, not Southern, and there's a very large difference.
Also I rather like the USA and am proud of it too, and am pretty dead set against the wrongheaded rebel insurrection against it a century and a half ago. So racism issues aside (and the racism aspect is so very real) there are many politically rock-solid reasons to sneer at the rebel flag.
As someone who lived in Charleston for about six years during her childhood, it's a very particular world in regards to its relationship with the Civil War. My father, a native Virginian, always considered himself proudly Southern without question until he got down there and found himself considered half a Yank. He actually thought a lot on what it was that had the Deep Southern states' identities so strongly linked to the Civil War, as opposed to states like Virginia, which was obviously a leader in the Confederacy. He never quite figured it out, although he thinks it has something to do with Virginia having many other points of historical significance (plenty of presidents from there, a strong historical presence in the Revolutionay War, etc.). All speculation, of course, but there's a very particular identity there. Hell, a state senator who went to our church also owned what I can only call a Confederate memorabilia store in the local mall. They've just never quite moved past it. I remember my parents struggling to make good friends in the area and constantly getting that feeling, albeit terribly polite, of being outsiders. Really, in Charleston, you're an outsider even if you're from just a different part of the state ("off the peninsula," as I remember them calling it). Just incredibly insular communities that will be gracious as hell in hosting you, but will be terribly sad to never really let you in.
They fly it because it's also, on top of being a symbol of racist pride, just a bunch of lines and colors.
I had a big post written up that I ended up not using, but it basically related directly to this: I wish we as a people would not get so caught up in allowing assholes to empower their symbols long after they should have ceased being anything but lines and colors and shapes that shouldn't mean shit.
No, a fucking flag bearing the colors shouldn't be flying over a state capitol (or on a state flag at all), but odds are pretty even in this day and age that a guy with the flag in question on his belt buckle just thought it looked like a cool belt buckle. Hate him because he's the kind of guy who wears flashy belt buckles, in and of itself an atrocity, not because you assume he knows or cares (or should care) what it once meant as a symbol.
I feel the same way about the swastika, really. Sure, it has been used as a symbol of hate, it still is, but bigots can and do adopt all manner of symbols to represent their hate. Letting them have that power well past the time when that symbol should have held any power just seems wrong. Instead we've got people on the internet crying about how shocked they were to see that the Nazis had had such an impact in India, defacing their temples and all, after seeing red swastikas painted on buildings. They shouldn't be so surprised what with violent cults springing up all over and using such outrageously offensive 'Hail Hitler' symbols like this:
Those monsters.
Wait, somewhere I got distracted by sarcasm.
Anyway. People who fly it for fucked up Southern Pride can go jump in a lake, skinheads with swastika tattoos under 'FUCK JEWFAGS' on their arms can join them, no flags with either should be flown anywhere by any US government, but I'm sad I probably won't live long enough to see the day when people stop giving the symbols of hate groups the power those groups so desperately wanted to imbue them with, by freaking the fuck out any time they see it.
I knew the last of the true Aryans would reclaim their symbol one day.
Every time I see the swastika next to an inverted one I get The Bangles's Walk Like An Egyptian stuck in my head.
Symbols are clung to by all walks of life. I don't buy into the need for the Confederate flag, nor do I really give a shit about the Christian Cross, the Jewish Star of David, the swastika, that stupid fish symbol on the back of cars or any other zealous symbol of hatred and holier-than-thouism. You're right. They should all be allowed to fly their colors so we can mark them and avoid them if we so choose.
They can all go die in a fire.
@HelloRaptor said:
They fly it because it's also, on top of being a symbol of racist pride, just a bunch of lines and colors.
I had a big post written up that I ended up not using, but it basically related directly to this: I wish we as a people would not get so caught up in allowing assholes to empower their symbols long after they should have ceased being anything but lines and colors and shapes that shouldn't mean shit.
No, a fucking flag bearing the colors shouldn't be flying over a state capitol (or on a state flag at all), but odds are pretty even in this day and age that a guy with the flag in question on his belt buckle just thought it looked like a cool belt buckle. Hate him because he's the kind of guy who wears flashy belt buckles, in and of itself an atrocity, not because you assume he knows or cares (or should care) what it once meant as a symbol.
I feel the same way about the swastika, really. Sure, it has been used as a symbol of hate, it still is, but bigots can and do adopt all manner of symbols to represent their hate. Letting them have that power well past the time when that symbol should have held any power just seems wrong. Instead we've got people on the internet crying about how shocked they were to see that the Nazis had had such an impact in India, defacing their temples and all, after seeing red swastikas painted on buildings. They shouldn't be so surprised what with violent cults springing up all over and using such outrageously offensive 'Hail Hitler' symbols like this:
Those monsters.
Wait, somewhere I got distracted by sarcasm.
Anyway. People who fly it for fucked up Southern Pride can go jump in a lake, skinheads with swastika tattoos under 'FUCK JEWFAGS' on their arms can join them, no flags with either should be flown anywhere by any US government, but I'm sad I probably won't live long enough to see the day when people stop giving the symbols of hate groups the power those groups so desperately wanted to imbue them with, by freaking the fuck out any time they see it.
Is the symbol thing a joke? Cause you know that version is the buddist one right?
@ThatOneDude said:
Is the symbol thing a joke? Cause you know that version is the buddist one right?
It's Jainist, not Buddhist. Different branch of the same tree, though.
And it wasn't really a joke, no. There has been internet outrage over swastika appearing on pretty much anything, sometimes because it's an easy symbol to rage against, sometimes because OMG TRIGGERS, and those expressing such outrage rarely seem aware that what they're getting angry at is pretty much the polar opposite of anything to do with the Nazis.
@HelloRaptor Yeah I just call it buddist because you see it all over the place in Asia, which, used the symbol before the nazi's. People are fucking stupid, the horrible one goes in the other direction.
Edit: Or I should say, the horrible one is tilted and made specifically different then all the "good ones"
But I stand by it - people are stupid.
Yes, it was a fairly common symbol in India going back a couple thousand years. But it's also found on ancient Greek coins dating back to the 4th century BC.
Playstation 4 NAT issues. They're inconsistent which makes it more irritating. Damnit AT&T, why doesn't my modem have bridge mode. Jerk faces.
@Luna What NAT type does your PS4 show you have? Should be 1 , 2 or 3.
I'm from a part of the South that has remained economically ruined by the Civil War since the Civil War. This is, in general, most of the South outside of most major cities, which by their nature were able to find some other primary economic mode post-Civil War.
I don't live there now. I have no plans to return.
I look at confederate flags and just feel queasy because its one facet of an entire spectrum of deluded denial. I look at confederate flags and associate it heavily with the Confederate Catechism, which is a pretty horrifying shit-show of a Neo-Confederate propaganda piece because well, they're often associated. Its a jaw dropping piece of Neoconfederate propaganda that is alive and well in parts of the South. There was a time not all that long ago that it was taught in some schools.
There are several reasons why I left the South; this is but one but a big one.
Most people who fly the confederate flag who are deluded enough to think its about rebellion and the highest order of bootstrapping underdog ideology have no fucking clue what they're blathering about.
A note: If you want to go look up the Confederate Catechism, be warned that the only 'copy' online that I'm aware of that you don't have to pay for is hosted by the SCV, a Neo-Confederate group website, who lives on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate group watch list. There may be other places but just be aware of where the internet rabbit hole might take you.