@bored except that the type of dice do matter? You have a d6 and a d12. Each one has a different set of sides. Once you get into explosion, you explode the die that the explode came from. So you can't just say you're gonna explode a d6 all the time. If the explode came from a d12 then you gotta roll another d12 and take the result.
You can tally things though. If you roll 6d12 and end up with 3 sux, 2 strife and 1 opportunity. This is all that really matters. No one actually cares what the symbols are, they care what they have to build their keep with.
So probably, if I was coding this, I would just roll each one and tally. If I encounter an explode, roll the explode and list it separately next to each explode. Then just present it to the player and let them build their keep out of the final possible results. That's the only reasonable automation path I see for this.
Otherwise, it would be, as you said, an interactive path whereby someone would roll initially, have to use another command to roll further dice and potentially more commands later on.