Posts made by Alzie
RE: How to type `quit` and quit PennMUSH?
@faraday the only other option is to write a cross platform case insensitive comparison function and then use that in bsd.c, but I got the feeling that wasn't really desired. I'm pretty sure pennmush is the weird one in this respect anyways.
I'm pretty sure if you made a client side alias that transformed quit into QUIT before it got sent that would work.
RE: How to type `quit` and quit PennMUSH?
Nothing you can do player side. If you want to jab at the source though, it's really easy to change it to quit. There's this whole 'but uppercase commands operate on the socket' reasoning that gets thrown around a lot to justify it. In any case, go here:
https://github.com/pennmush/pennmush/blob/6edfb5ab776bc8bccc570a16d6d4117b6bf2f208/hdrs/conf.h#L58Change it to 'quit' or whatever you want. Recompile. Profit. You don't even lose your current game.
RE: Interest check: WH40K Only War
I would absolutely play any WH40K game.
RE: Bug Report
@Lithium In my case there were two reply buttons. Have you tried the reply button at the top under the first post?
RE: Bug Report
Was about to make a bug report about the Serenity thread. Also have the same issue. For some reason the last couple of posts are thrown to the bottom. Tried in Firefox and Chrome. Same on both. Then it follows you around. And there are two reply buttons now. It's weird.
RE: tintin++
You can't change it, but maybe this helps.
All commands can be separated with a ';'. Example: n;l green;s;say Dan Dare is back! -- do these 4 commands There are several ways ';'s can be overruled. Example: \say Hello ;) -- Lines starting with a '\' aren't parsed by tintin. Example: say Hello \;) -- The escape character can esape 1 letter.
RE: Armageddon MUD
I played armageddon. Getting in with one of the families was really nice. My only real problem with it was that skill leveling was a second job. I don't log into a game to take up a second job, I wanted to RP. Now the help files will tell you 'well, don't skill level, just go RP' and that's nice and all, but I also don't play a skill based mu so I can forever be incapable of crafting a simple dagger either. So take that as you will.
It's this weird place that has this culture of 'don't level your skills' followed up with 'but do level your skills, because otherwise you're useless' followed up with 'but don't spend too much time doing it or the admin will erase your progress.'
RE: CoD/W:tF 2E?
@lithium you want people to support 2E?
I would really like more 2E games but people don't seem to like it for some reason. It's better in many ways.
RE: Changeling the Lost 2e: The Huntsman Chronicles
@arkandel according to onyx path it is in post editing.
So anywhere from 6 months to 6 years.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
Not to say that every leader should be an axe wielding barbarian, but not all leaders are built the same. It's entirely possible that someone is in a social situation and their only social skills are the big axe on their back and the thousand yard stare. Are these conducive to diplomacy? Maybe, depending on the culture.
RE: Darkwater: The Return
@Cobaltasaurus Werewolf: The only game line that requires you to track coitus
RE: Darkwater: The Return
I am amused at the bureau and school of occult since these are themes I have wanted to explore.
RE: Constructing a FAQ (and what ground to cover)
@surreality Since we've been talking about telnet lately, here's a good FAQ question that a newbie would have: 'I clicked on your connect to play link but it asked me what program I wanted to open the link in and there were none listed! What do?'
Edit: Assuming I understand the topic correctly and that you are asking for suggestions as to questions that might appear in an FAQ for our hobby.
RE: Silly things you'd been tempted to do on/for a MU*
I bought http://kotohi.com/ryuutama/ and I intend to make a Mu out of it. Will anyone play it? Maybe not. But at least I can rest easy knowing that you had the option of playing on a Mush where your biggest concern was 'what's for dinner.'
RE: Coder for Sailormoon Game
@icanbeyourmuse I'm sorry, I never got around to this. If you need anything re: running it, just let me know.
RE: A directory of MU*'s that's actually good
@faraday I think you're misunderstanding what MSSP is. You can send whatever information you want over MSSP; it's a generic tag system. The only thing MSSP defines is the structure of the tags. For example, Giri currently sends the following out over MSSP:
ANSI:1 CODEBASE:PennMUSH 1.8.6p1 CONTACT:giri@vertinext.com FAMILY:TinyMUD HIRING STAFF:1 NAME:Giri PLAYERS:0 PORT:6780 PUEBLO:0 UPTIME:11/18/17, 9:52 PM (43 days) WEBSITE:https://giri.vertinext.com XTERM 256 COLORS:1
RE: Gamertags
@cobaltasaurus So, I joined discord because all my friends from FF14 joined it. So when I joined I created my account based on my FF14 name which is Rory Ejinn on Zalera. Thus on discord I am Rory whereas pretty much anywhere else I'm some form of TakeshiKO or CCubed.
RE: Gamertags
Steam: TeshiKO
BattleNet: TakeshiKO#1769
Discord: Rory#6028
TwitchTv: TeshiKO
GoG: CCubed
Origin: TeshiKO
Uplay: CCubedDude
Epic: TeshiKO
League of Legends: TakeshiOI added all the people. Especially you @Auspice