Lord Acton?

Posts made by BobGoblin
RE: Star Wars Republic d20 SAGA - (Prequel Era)
I've pleasured myself on the Saga games quite a bit over the years, a lot of familiar names and sadly familiar attitudes. A couple of non-profound insights for you all to chew over.
#1) D20 games are not meant for PvP encounters and are not balanced around such. This isn't even a Saga specific thing. Prior to Covid I have been getting paid to DM games at local stores (it's honestly a really fun gig, I suggest people look into it!) and the reality of PvP comes up every once in awhile. You know what I've discovered? It doesn't fucking work. These games are meant to be STORY TOLD by a GM against NPC threats. All of these fucking MUSHes are trying to be some kind of E-Peen contest and then it falls on its face and people wonder why.
#2) What the fuck does history from 5 years ago about who did what with whom have to do with jack, or shit? This thread is about a new game, ran by a guy named Obie who is trying from what I can see to do something for the community. A lot of this thread had Zero to do with his advertisement and more to do with people rehashing old issues. If you have suggestions for the game runner, make them to him but holy shit that's a lot of long posts.
#3) If you can do better; I bet you can get access to the Database by asking for it.
#4) Warma is spot on. Holy shit you people are stuck in the past. I remember all those games you listed and yeah, all of them had faults that eventually drove them to close. Too bad they're not all ike Firan that stayed open forever...oh wait. Well maybe like Reno that stayed open forev... or maybe more like... ALL FUCKING GAMES SHUT DOWN OVER TIME. You can learn from the mistakes they made but you'll make new mistakes. Enjoy what you have and if you don't enjoy it, do it yourself or move on.
#5) Revisit #1. PvP games are never going to be 'balanced' because the winners cheese and the losers cry. So don't play them or make them if you can't handle those outcomes.
(Additional Note: I know Rodney Thompson, the guy who wrote Saga Edition for WotC, relatively well. I've told him stories about what people have done on the games and he uproariously laughed at the concept of competitive Saga Edition.)
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
Unfortunately I avoid the politics forum because if I wanted to see rabid animals I'd go to the vet on rabies day.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
What harm was caused by this man in his life? Funding politicians that support his political viewpoint is now causing harm?
@Ghost And that is my position as well. I could frankly give zero fucks about David Koch. What I do give a fuck about is people who would celebrate someone's death because they don't follow the same political path they do. That's pretty jacked up and indicative of the true societal problem.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
So to clarify, you hate him because of his lack of 'humanity' so you shall express your hatred by ... showing a lack of humanity at his death. Logical.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
Thought: Someone who donates millions of their dollars to charitable organizations, museums, etc. dies and the response is 'about fucking time' because you don't like their politics (which can you enumerate their politics) and that's ok.
But if I say something along the lines of 'Good riddance to Peter fonda, I can't believe he called someone a 'C' in twitter' we'll sign off on that right?
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
I'm sure the mu community st large could handle mature content without having issues.Said no one ever
RE: A fully OC supers MU
I believe with a fully OC game though you have less issues with the 'my character should be x' perceptions based off the 'canon' bullcrap. That said, FATE would be a solid choice. There's a ton of other amazing choices out there also and I'm very curious to see how the community responds to the game.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
I wonder if there's some correlation with "gear" and "systems" in sci fiThe same convo popped up around firefly. The recent Star Trek game based around story and not space sim faltered. Is there something about those genres the players are expecting to possess loots and ships?
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
I think you hit this spot on. The reservation to do things because of expectations of codebase. I was struggling to frame it.As for games interested in? Anything. Right now we have a deficit of games. My own thought specifically would be something that possesses a cooperative competitive environment. A game where players are telling stories but can also be working towards goals. How this looks is a different question
RE: The Basketball Thread
@Ganymede Leonard sat out all last season following his spurs tantrum. "Handling stars" include year long rest?
RE: General Video Game Thread
Console games have that markup due to delivery styles as well. Until they adopt a more common online distribution. Your paying for the packaging and etc that we don't pay for on steam or the like.
That said. Holy shit it's expensive for something that looks like it was made with rpgmaker
RE: The Basketball Thread
Raptors coach was yelling at them to foul draymond. Raptors players were too wrapped up. Kawhi is a great player but he isn't a floor general to lead his troops in those minutes
RE: The Basketball Thread
Begin over analysis
Toronto will take one in oracle. Golden State wins in 6. They'll get a desperation win buyback if you can't close out against people walking in off the street then you won't finish it off
RE: The Basketball Thread
How many series have been over analyzed this year after one or two games?
Celtics are a lock
Philly is a lock
Rockets will get swept
Oops Durant's our warriors will loseToo much over analyzing and reaction to single games.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I love Divinity and Divinity 2; I just could never get my friends to stick with playing it long enough to make progress in it worthwhile and I just would lose interest after that. But between Divinity, Pillars of Eternity, we're leaving in a sort of dream of RPGs.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Dauntless is Fort nite meets any other rpg. If you like games such as vindictus or any other nexon game then it's up your alley. I have enjoyed it due to the cross platform nature that lets me play with friends.
It has a bit more depth than one might expect and there's variety there. Their season pass runs 5 bucks and I've easily spent more time than 5 bucks worth in it so that's a gain imo.
Not for everyone but if you like button mashing and progression it's a good fix. If you don't like those things you'll hate it.
Note: ARPG in an FPS is how my friend described it and that's pretty close. Loot doesn't drop that way but you upgrade gear. Again vindictus without the trash mobs. Just all boss fight.
RE: Our Tendency Towards Absolutes
The only absolute is there should be no absolutes.
Yeah... wrap your minds around that shit.
RE: Difference between an NPC and a Staff PC?
Can someone sufficiently summarize the debate? My grog drunk state is interpreting it as:
Group A: Staff should use NPCs to facilitate RP and the plot, utilizing Staff operated PCs for personal RP and interaction (upto and including anal sex TS).
Group B: Staff should use NPCs for their anal sex because then their PCs don't have to deal with consequences of warts?
RE: The Basketball Thread
I think Wilbon on PTI hit it spot on with Giannis which is something I couldn't verbalize as well but have thought.
He's an amazing athletic talent; however he's extremely one dimensional. For an NBA player he has a limited skill set that is simply not going to translate in these drawn out series as well.
- He cannot shoot consistently.
- He has one move-counter move (Crossover into a drop spin) that he uses way to often. These are the best coaches and vets.
With these constraints, pinching Giannis down and forcing everyone else to beat you is going to be the strategy; and expecting Lopez to have a 30 point performance all the time is laughable. Now in about another 2-3 years, Giannis will expand his skill set to match his talent further. He's not at his cap; and the Bucks may still win the series, but I wish them luck against the Warriors (or really any team in the West).
We cannot pretend that the East is somehow 'better' than it was last year or the previous 8 LeBron years . If the East was terribad when LeBron played in it and moonwalked into 8 Finals appearances, then it cannot suddenly be 'better' with him gone. The East was the JV Division last year. This year it's more like Freshmen.