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Posts made by BobGoblin
RE: WoW Classic
I think the "success" of the Cox stuff may be feeding things right now. Nostalgia is strong. Classic gaming has always been a thing. I've played on classic private servers and enjoyed it but faded away.
Searching for groups to do dungeons. Farming mats and herbs for potions. Hell farming gold for mounts. There's a lot of pains in classic people have forgotten that I'm not sure the modern flavor people will handle.
I was talking with a major streamer friend of mine that was in my wow guild about it. He has been pondering switching to a classic wow stream emphasis but said the people he's talked to don't think it's sustainable past the first month. I'd lean to agree. It'll be great for that first rush through the level 30 range. Then the grind starts that people forget. Some will stick with it but we've gotten so short attention span I'm skeptical
RE: WoW Classic
Imagine the joys of organizing a 40 man 4 nights a week for 5 hour progression. That's what I remember of raid leading in classic
RE: Space Games and Travel Time? Why? Why Not?
My question about Space Travel (or ANY game that has a travel requirement) is why? Is it to create a feeling of largeness? If that's the case, then you're also conceding that you want things spread out (hence RP spreads out). Is it to provide alternative activities for the players to do besides RP? That's acceptable if that is the goal, but what is the goal there? To keep players connected to the game during 'down times' so that when RP opportunities arise they are around? Again, if that's the case how is that being addressed?
I've played on a large amount of Space Coded games in the past, going all the way back to ST: SNW and WC:RH. When I drop my rose colored glasses off, there were definitely pros and cons to all those things. I'm not entirely sure if at any point these systems provided RP, they more than likely created outlets of gaming style that didn't exist in the time period.
So the root question imo is IF you want a Space System, WHY?
RE: General Video Game Thread
Has anyone dabbled with Imperator Rome? I love Grand Strategy, I think Paradox does it well but was curious if there's any first hand reporting on it.
RE: Intersectional MU* Community - Discussion
I haven't seen an adequate amount of rage from people re: Mueller Report. Is there a thread I'm missing where that's happening? I need the sweet sweet taste of Leftist Tears to tickle my tongue.
RE: Intersectional MU* Community - Discussion
You know what the Mu community needs? More stupidity... Oh look, I found it!
RE: Good or New Movies Review
I just wanted to have post #1000 in this thread.
RE: Good TV
Those industries have enjoyed a cartel of control for close to 20 years (cable and dish) and longer for networks. Large industries do not shift their landscape very easily or very well. Just like someone above said about Netflix the same applies to those Cable/Networks. It isn't they don't WANT to change, it's that they CAN'T change. The reality is they are too big and entrenched in their systems and metrics.
The output you get is the results of your systems. So if you're built around ads as your revenue source, how are you supposed to change? Netflix wasn't built that way, it was built around a subscription model. And therein lies the issue. These OTHER services are still operating under an 'ad' based model which we have all collectively flipped the middle finger to. They haven't figured out how to adjust to a non-ad based model (subscription or other). I would not anticipate Netflix or Prime switching to an ad based model. Why would they need to? People may say to 'make more money' which is possible, but any of their analysts would probably point out the loss of subscription revenues exceeding the potential gains of ad revenue and shoot the idea down quickly.
RE: Best (PnP) RPGs of 2018?
Imo. The tiny rule set is where mush developers should look first if they're going to have dice in their game.
Another great system coming out I think is spectaculars. It's based on dusk city outlaws which is a fun game also and with looking at.
RE: Best (PnP) RPGs of 2018?
It finished Kickstarter in July, supposedly Q2 release aim. -
RE: Best (PnP) RPGs of 2018?
The tiny series are so under rated it's sad. I can't wait for tiny supers to come out
RE: Table-top campaigns online
The group I ran it for were very consistent. They were all relatively new to Table Tops and the only reason we stopped the campaign was because I didn't have time available to GM consistently so it was on me, not them.I think consistency ties in a lot to engagement. I was told they really enjoyed the story, the amount of influence they felt they had on things and that it wasn't stringent. Compared to in person table top, I think it was MORE consistent because it required less 'time' commitment. We would run our session for about 2-3 hours once a week whereas inperson sessions can obviously go much longer.
RE: Table-top campaigns online
I've run multiple OTT campaigns of D&D 5E on Roll20. It's my platform of choice. The groups would range in size from 3 - 8 and the platform always worked well for us. You can do a lot with it if you front end some of the work and do a little research but the built in community tools were fantastic. I went full subscription for it as well, felt it was well worth the money.
RE: Tools, and not just Beiber.
I agree, and disagree, with the amount of work. I think you're front loading your work with something like this.
Costs: Additional up front work of writing the scenarios, designing the flows, tracking the results of the scenarios and communicating
Pros: Instead of needing to 'run things' 3 times a week, you may have one day a week of 'work' in doing the above.
For myself, I think the trade-off isn't the worst ever. If players are able to be active and impact the game through their actions and feel comfortable that they're free to do so because they're operating with Staff OK (through the plot structures) then Staff doesn't need to run the scenes. It means also that Staff is processing the information and preparing the results -- I think time wise this takes less time than it does to run every scene yourself. I think that if PrPS happen freely, Staff still need to process the results (if you want it to be impactful to the game), outline the outcomes and disperse the 'rewards' or what not. On the flip side, if the plots are known to be part of the staff story that are being 'legworked' out to players to run Staff are doing the same back end, but now they have time to not run the scene. They may even (GASP) be able to participate in some of them.