Well, Jessica Jones fucking nailed it. I feel like I need a cigarette after that.
Best posts made by Coin
RE: Good TV
RE: Plot Advice
The plot is going to take however long it takes. Two things to consider:
- make sure the people involved know the plot is continuing and hasn't petered out, or you will lose their interest;
- structure it to make sure they aren't plotlocked (i.e. make sure they can continue playing around the plot between its scenes).
If you do those two things and whatever you're running interests them, you don't really have an issue.
RE: RL Anger
Coworkers who are touchy-feely. don't fucking stroke my back or shoulders when you come over to ask something. It's fucking creepy as shit.
RE: Preference for IC Time On A Modern(ish) Game
I prefer 1:1.
I am also a proponent of time skips (with ample warning to the player base!) though that's best in small games.
RE: RL Anger
@Arkandel said:
@Derp In this case you don't know for example that there
I must concur that it's counter-productive to tell people they are part of the problem while they're actively trying to learn more about that problem, and simply state they haven't personally witnessed it happen to others.
My interest here is to figure out why that is. I completely exclude the possibility that it's all a big exaggerated lie - there are too many testimonials, not everyone is some sort of attention-starved drama queen. So that's done.
The only other possibilities I can see are these:
harassment/molestation doesn't happen where I usually play. I'm a middle-aged white guy, maybe I just pick safe friendly venues for my gaming. However someone in this thread already mentioned they are doing their research ahead of time trying to assure the same thing, so maybe that's not a big factor.
it doesn't happen where I am under fear of retribution. Maybe predators like to isolate their targets, which does make sense. But again there have been testimonials here that it does take place out in the open sometimes... still I'd like to keep this possibility open.
I don't notice it when it happens either thinking it's not a big deal or not wanting the social negative effects of standing up for others. This... is hard to fathom - perhaps it's possible to not pay much attention to some minor forms of flirting to understand it's unwanted but there's no goddamn way someone would make a comment as crude as "if you can bleed you can breed" under any circumstances, any at all, and not make me pissed off. But as for negative effects... what are those? I have no friends who wouldn't back me up on that (probably by design), the police would certainly do as well if it came to it, etc.
This is obviously an emotionally charged issue and a sensitive one to discuss. So help me - maybe others in my shoes - see how we can help. Assume we want to help and that we believe this is a real problem, but we can't do something about it unless we can spot its signs.
The where, how, what to look for, that's what I wanted going into this parts of the thread.
But please don't tell me I'm part of the problem. Because that's part of the problem. I will be the moment I participate or condone this kind of behavior, but not before.
To be fair, dude, I learned what to look for by listening to women tell their stories and taking them as truth. So if a woman says "this dude did [thing] and it made me feel super uncomfortable and unsafe", then I will notice that thing and identify it as something potentially (or definitively) harmful.
You don't need a bullet point list of "things that are harrassment". Just listen to the people who were harrassed and spoke up.
RE: MU Things I Love
@thesuntsar said in MU Things I Love:
remains one of my favorite scenes of all time
so great. the level of absolute incapability of dealing with the misapplication of a fucking handbrake... ffs.
RE: RL Anger
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
Saying it is dismissive, hurtful, or anything where you assign a motive, without asking the intent? That is bullshit. You don't get to say what someone else feels. And doing so is distracting. Derailing. Not helpful.
What? saying something is dismissive and hurtful is perfectly within the purview of this sort of conversation. Intent doesn't preclude dismissiveness or hurtfulness. What are you even talking about? Since when are intent and result inexorably matched? I call bullshit. Plenty of things are intended in ways that do not actually match said intention, and being called on it is pretty much the only way that perception can be changed so that those things can be viewd in the light of the results they attain rather than their intent.
Seriously, what?
RE: The importance of large grids for MU*
@Thenomain said:
@HelloRaptor said,
I am a giant whining pussy.
Fixed that for you.
Hey. This is the mildly constructive board.
He's a large, legitimately aggrieved vagina.
RE: RL Anger
People who "were all Paris", but aren't Ecuador (just to pick one instance of each out of random). I hate this facebook trend, and some of my good friends do it and I know they're doing it from a place of empathy but it still chafes.
RE: Finding roleplay
@Three-Eyed-Crow said in Finding roleplay:
@Coin said in Finding roleplay:
It's a lot of silly nit-picking over vocabulary used.
Silly nit-picking? Here? The hell, you say.
I'm sorry, I believe you mean Hell. The H is capitalized, you heathen.
RE: Finding roleplay
@mietze said in Finding roleplay:
To be honest, I've seen more /staff/ run plots that are anti-thematic, weird, and off the rails than I have player stuff. (It's why I tend to be leery of metaplot or staff plot unless I know the staffer's STing style--sat through too many 5 hour scenes of "dramatic audiencing" or things blowing up for no purpose whatsoever and creating a giant pain the ass for everyone while also making them care even less/feel even less hope about the sphere than they already did.
Most players are far more conservative with what they want to do. It makes sense. I think very few people feel empowered to just blow up a building just 'cause or have the big bads of the sphere running around kissing people or tea parties or have just weird nonsensical things happen. (Unless they're odd individuals, but weirdos are going to be there regardless.) Sometimes staff tend to get a little overexcited about the appeal of their ideas to their playerbase, and then try to force it, ect. I have seen that happen now and then in player stuff, but not really at the semi-regular basis i've seen it from staff folks. (And to be really honest with you? I've seen as much or more staff loss of interest/farting out/neglect as I have with PrPs. I don't think that's a character flaw or anything, but just the reality of burnout/timecrunch that frankly we all face.
Sure, but I think this is often the product of giving the wrong people staff bits (or, more likely, the wrong people being willing to staff, while smarter folk avoid it. Hurr hurr).
RE: RL Anger
Some people don't realize how the small lies stack up. Maybe they're not meant as lies, but after a while...
You know the ones. Like, "I'll talk to you tonight." and then you never hear from them and they never even have an excuse.
People love to berate each other to "pay attention to what you say" when it comes to words being taken the wrong way and coming across as hurtful... But a refusal to even put enough forethought into your planning, to an extent that I'm left hanging on a regular basis?
That hurts, too.
Oh, man, I do this. I'm horrible about it, but for the most part, it's me falling asleep, usually. Like, if it's been a long day but I told someone "we'll talk tonight" and when i got home I lay down... man, I am gone.
I also just forget? I'm pretty absent minded, which doesn't mean I don't get my feelings hurt when people are absent minded right back at me. But it is not something I can find myself getting angry over long-term.
Once people fade away, I kind of do too. And sometimes I am the worst and disappear for days, weeks at a time from a person and then I come back talking to them like whatever. I don't know why and I can absolutely see why someone would find that anger-inducing...
... I just... I don't know. My brain, man. It's weird.
I am also a person who is preoccupied a lot--not in the mood, angry, tired, depressed (all the time)--and sometimes I just don't want to talk to people. So it doesn't matter if they message me one time or fifty, I will not answer. It's typically not against that particular person--I just don't want to right now.
The realization that this is okay--that I get to be able to do that because it's my life--has also led me to be much more accepting of people not answering my messages. I used to get super annoyed and moody when people ignored me (whether it was actually ignoring me or just not being there for long periods of time when I wanted attention). Now, I just understand. I still get annoyed--god dammit why won't you pay attention to me right this second when I am in need of conversation!--but when the person shows up I'm not going to be like "fucker, where the fuck have you fucking been I wanted attention fuck you now I don't care fuuuuuuck" unless it's @tragedyjones and I'm trolling him.
All this to say, sometimes they are not lies--they are just things we say that we believe and that are changed by the minutes that follow them.
Some of us aren't awesome at being cool with other people--I try very, very hard, and I fail spectacularly a lot. I try not to apologize unless I mean it, but having realized that my attitude divests me of the capacity to feel self-righteous about the same sort of stuff being done to me have made it so that I can mean it more often, more sincerely.
Oh man, I totally went on a feelzRant.
#That'sWhatSheSaid -
RE: What do RPGs *never* handle in mu*'s? What *should* they handle?
Recent reading of the Intimacies rules (and how they apply to Exalted 3's social influence system) have led me to think there are possible compromises. The problem with compromise, however, is that no one ever wants to compromise; it's something you have to accept, not desire, so it's often a bitter pill to swallow even if you're not losing as much as you could have otherwise.
That said, including some fail-safes into the Doors system isn't that difficult.
- If someone is trying to open Doors to get you do so something that is diametrically opposed to your Virtue, you can spend a Willpower to lock a Door for the remainder of the scene. They can feel free to try again in another scene, but that Door will not open for that particular reason during that scene. e.g. If your Virtue is Loyal, then you can spend a Willpower point to lock that Door down when someone is trying to make you betray someone.
- If the Social attempt is trying to make you do something that would immediately make you suffer a Breaking Point--you can spend a Willpower point to lock that door Down the same way as above with the Virtue. e.g. If your character's Breaking Point is 'Murder someone', which is pretty common, you can spend a Willpower to completely resist attempts to make you do so Socially for a scene. You may still suffer a BP if you witness the murder, but at least it won't be your doing...
- Remove certain things from plausibility at all. The system cannot be used to force someone to have sex with your character through dice-born seduction without the consent of the other character's player, etc.
These are just two ways to safe-guard people who have convictions built into their characters and who don't want to be targeted socially, but that will still leave their characters otherwise open and vulnerable to other instances of Social systems.
These compromises go hand in hand with other compromises on the other end of the spectrum: combat. If your character is about to die, you should be allowed to negotiate with the other player--if your character surrenders, then the attacking player really should figure out a reason for their character to let you live--even if it's a bad reason. No one should be prisoner to their characters' whims.
RE: RL things I love
Just writing.
Just, being in that place where I can crank out anywhere between 750 and 2000 words in the morning before the bulk of people show up at the office.
Also, strangely enough (especially for some of you who know me well): waking up to line edits on things I've written. One person in particular has been helping me with the story I'm writing and she leaves me line edits every few days and when I see them I just kind of grin like a doofus and then whistle my way through fixing whatever I did wrong.
It's liberating to finally realize internally that things don't have to be perfect the first time around, or even the second, or third, or ever.
I didn't even write that much today, but I am writing consistently every day, even on weekends when I'm at home and distracted by all the things.
It's pretty neat.
RE: The Shame Game
@Ghost said in The Shame Game:
But let's be clear here: The Hog Pit isn't about 'shaming' people in this neo-pop-psychology 'OH MY GOD STOP TRIGGERING ME!' millennial sense. Set ALL of that pop psychology for big bucks aside.
The glory of the internet, and in forums, is that people cannot be silenced mid-flight. On MSB, you can put your thoughts out without --
I'mma let you finish, but I don't really agree with your opening statement, which means the rest of this is poop, which means I'm not going to read it, effectively interrupting and disregarding everything else you wrote.
Just FYI.
RE: MU Things I Love
@VulgarKitten said in MU Things I Love:
You paged Somebody with 'Sure, sounds good Feel like hitting the dicks?'.
You paged Somebody with 'DOCKS. OMG DOCKS'."Typos."
RE: Good TV
@ThugHeaven said in Good TV:
@Arkandel I'm tempted to read the book after episode 4, but I've already read that they made some changes between the show and the book.
They have made a LOT of changes.
None of the changes are thematic. The core essence of the story, in my opinion (as someone who has read the novel at least five times in the past twelve years) is completely intact and respected. The visuals are stunning, too. I am amazed.
That said, at this rate, it's going to take them like 3 seasons at bare minimum to tell the main story from the novel, which is fine; I just dread episode 8 because it means I'll have to wait like a year for the next installment.
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
I don't know man. I can't think of a "player-level" werewolf drawback that can't be side-stepped pretty easily.
In the end, it's all "player-level" unless staff is involved. I don't think having player-level checks actually makes any difference at all, practically speaking.