Best posts made by Cupcake
RE: The Shame Game
@VulgarKitten said in The Shame Game:
@Arkandel And the opposite of that 'hey do you mind if we FTB on this sexy times stuff?' SHAME that chick is such a prude. It's just a game. You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't, depending on the person.
I think this pretty much applies to any situation in which someone is engaging in RP behavior that others decide (for good or ill) is worth shaming.
RE: TheOnceler’s Playlist
I remember Sagas.
The head wiz docked me XP because I wasn't wearing the right object-clothing for a particular adventure.
After that, I was pretty much out.
RE: Fanbase entitlement
I immediately thought of the fanbase of Teen Wolf when I saw this thread. Romantic relationships are a core element of the show that the fandom latches onto, particularly the "Sterek" and "Stydia" types. Sterek shippers tend to adamantly insist the chemistry between the two characters in question is and has always been there and often get angry about it not being pushed into overt presentation and actual canon; Stydia types go into a flurry of "this is our year!" prior to every season. (Final season coming in Nov: THIS IS OUR YEAR!)
It actually got me thinking a lot about mushes that are based on media and how we approach canon on games. I love playing in the canon settings of media based worlds that I love, but I also find I have to be very careful and remind myself to be patient when it comes to how others view canon, and the necessity of canon. It is an acknowledged sense of entitlement, and an awareness that I have to curb my own urge of telling someone UR DOIN IT WRONG.
RE: Fanbase entitlement
@Coin said in Fanbase entitlement:
It's like you know me or somethin'.
Do I? DO I REALLY? >.>
@Arkandel: Doubly hilarious or perhaps sad, Olicity just won the Ship of the Year at the MTV Fandom Awards.
There's this one dude on a game I play on who constantly rants about hating Olicity and what he feels is the over-focus on Felicity in general to the point where he calls it "Felicity and Friends".
He's perfectly entitled to his tastes, but I do wish he'd stop shitting on everything other people happen to enjoy. Is the entitlement mine in this case, or is it his? Or both? Who knows. I file it under "It's okay to not like things but don't be a dick about it."
RE: Sully @ SanFran?
@skew said in Sully @ SanFran?:
His schedule (and life) is drifty, but nothing terrible has happened. Just extra busy and will hopefully be back soonish.
Thanks for letting us know! Multiple people have asked after him.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Kanye-Qwest: I feel like in this there's a difference between "IC Goals" and "Mini Games". I play a character who has her own lands, and must make sure that they are profitable not just for her but for her people (she's altruistic like that). When she comes into conflict or must contribute in some way to interact with those around her, if I don't participate in mini-game usage, she will lack for resources (clothes, money, social credit, whathaveyou) to do what she needs to do in order to be successful. Some - a lot of it feels overly complicated.
Just to build her home, she has to go to the bank, withdraw X amount of funds, go to the market, exchange those funds for credits of "economic resource", go back to the bank, deposit the resources, and then rooms can be built. Each room built is exponentially more expensive so there's additional calculation of how much money to withdraw based on the exchange rate. To me this is a matter of punching buttons and pulling levers so to speak, and isn't really something that spawns rp.
I don't mind supporting other people's tasks, but I don't really have a handle on how to effectively develop my own. Questions like whether or not the Thing I Want To Do is an economic or a social task. Examples of different types of tasks. I know there's a switch for customization but I haven't the faintest idea how to use it in the string syntax.
It all adds up to feeling like I'm trying to tread water while I'm slowly sinking. To be clear, I'm not planning to quit and I think the game overall is well constructed, the players are nice, the roster is beautifully done - this is just a different "rp culture" for me, I suppose.
RE: Jonah's Playlist
Everyone changes, dude.
Example: I was Ulricke at DuneMUSH III.
RE: Wiki and You
I love wikis. I love having visual aids that allow me to see how others see their characters - yes, I think PB's are fun. I like how they give us the opportunity to be more creative and expansive with visuals, add more character to locales, share music, etc - but most importantly, I appreciate how wikis allow me to widen my rp circle.
A lot of people take the position that wikis erase the OOC masq, but I think that's fine. Because wikis allow me to look at character pages and see that a PC I might not otherwise have occasion to approach shares an interest with my PC, or has a mutual acquaintance, and thus giving me motivation to approach them and ask for rp.
Also, I like putting information into neat little boxes.