@Packrat Well, he's a lawyer. They tend to write well.

Posts made by deadculture
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat So you kept your staffbit on SC? Wondering how you got to view sheets.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@ThatGuyThere There's no gotcha moment here, dude.
@bored has a point in the following regard:
- Star Crusade was not a sandbox.
- Star Crusade was focused on something other than relationship roleplay.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat Kaedin the Gene-Changed was recently seen in Coyote Trails with the name 'Kaydin'. Same overall concept.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@bored I know you're talking about me because I played a Lion, a Castille (or will, pretty fucking soon) and a Hazat.
@silentsophia And yeah, Sofia was fun to play with. There was a whole lot of almost getting killed together that made it worth it.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Apollonius I believe he is referring to some of your loud behavior on Star Crusade, and then the day you logged in as a guest to post that little poem excerpt.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
RfK basically used systems and ideas that were implemented by a previous and much older game: LA: A House Divided. Finite blood resources, grid fiefs. I'd say LA's scale to that was much greater, from what I knew of the game.
Its only issue was being consent-based.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat Your idea needs some polishing. Particularly in regards to where you want to go, the kind of theme you have in mind, what are the 'features' of said theme, what kind of literature you're inspiring yourself with and so on. You want to make a lords and ladies game... without the medieval parts.
I'd just go for a sci-fi game with a variety of different post monarchy governments, like corporations, maybe.
Or maybe Freelancer: the MUSH.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat So the guy had amazingly high Psyche and never used it. Hahahaha. What a fucking waste.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Misadventure Enough to be memorable. After Firan I confess I tend to mentally downplay anything I do, since they made you feel pretty much like a shit player for affecting their setting, but then people who played with me 8 years ago tell me all about my exploits being a villain and I feel all fuzzy inside.
I find that because I'm willing to take risks, I tend to leave more of a mark on the game world when playing a particularly ambitious character.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat She must have thrown a fit after a pretender baron went to Crow's Landing and started killing all the Kurgans inside. Her daughter was half-Kurgan, though, so that could've been passed along to the Curia quite easily. The fact she was half way to being a Kurgan vassal doesn't surprise me.
Out of curiosity, who was the Imperial Eye agent who found out about her? Was it Custodius' alt?
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
The only thing the GM needs to be is fair. The Ambers of the life can be removed by a risk-taker over time, since digging in can only compromise their position in regards to the other players.
A GM needs to allow or help the players to assess the risks of their enterprises, which is what didn't happen with Firan, and Star Crusade. In fact, on the latter case, one could say that the death knell of the game was the gaslighting. Not telling a group the whole picture to make their best decisions, themselves, for instance, and then telling each individual, via pemit, different things.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@mietze said:
I don't remember a lot of fantasy babies on SC, either. I mean there were people who had children (mostly offscreen) but they were heirs or somesuch. I guess I must have seen a very different slice of things though. I definitely think there was a lot of fucking going on, but I don't recall it being a huge emphasis in game play. I only had one ICly slutty PC though, who got surprisingly little action in that area.
Custodius didn't care for my RP I don't think, so maybe that's why?
I totally agree though that putting in penalities for things that you know are inevitable (like TS) are not worth the time and distract from concentrating on the other hard lines you want to take a stand on. Like if there IS societal pressure against being seen as the kingdom's bicycle, then maybe instead of whining on bb1 or shaking your finger, just dock people status points or give them rumor crises they have to spend time/effort on to restore. (not like plots, just mechanical stuff, I think the other problem is if you give it too much attention). And have lots of positives and goodies for the behaviors/IC actions you DO wan to see.
She wasn't that slutty, @mietze.
Or not slutty at all! I did have a total manwhore in that game though.
@Seraphim73: Sometimes that's an IC decision, and some people can't separate both very well. I've played players, and I've played monogamous dudes; drama mitigation is a must, and you definitely have to sound the person out to know if they're trustworthy* or not.
- By this I mean, not likely to cause OOC grief or drama to you over whatever your character does.
@bored Amen.
As for hierarchies: I generally like to play self-starters, to the point where even if they start out at the bottom, I will plot and maneuver (assuming I could give them the necessary stats to do so, in a stat-based game; or the RP resources, in a non-stat based game) to get to the top. I've succeeded at this in many games, usually when I play a villain or at least an anti-hero. Playing in-faction is nice, as well, provided you like everyone in it, and they are known quantities to you. There's nothing quite so terrible as an unstable faction leader.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Seraphim73 I find that can be fair, as long as the person isn't gaslighting the twelve others about being their one true love or whatever.
RE: Players from Bourbon and Blood, Shadows of Isildur
@Thenomain It was. Also brought by the people of Twilight Reconquista.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Apollonius This fixation on punishing 'TS Whores' (one of which I unabashedly am if I lack anything better to do) is where you start to go wrong. Fading Suns is a shitty setting overall for a MU because it assumes everyone in a group will play nice together. MUs and particularly FS MUs, have been proving that people will not cooperate if there's the slightest amount of conflict. You need only refer to the way Amber acted on Star Crusade if it didn't go her way, OOCly. She'd avoid RPing with the person the most she can.
RE: The Realms Adventurous Revival
@Crysta The individual in question didn't log in for a whole month, anyhow; and it was very easy to spot who her male alts were, at the very least. Same Famous Trait, almost the same behavior and the same faith. They're not bad people, but they obviously tend to be alt conflict-y with their schemes.
RE: The Realms Adventurous Revival
@Apos You'll find most of the players who like political RP keep as few alts as possible; your Firan reference was about a particularly puzzling individual who kept weaving fake stories about themselves. I do wonder if they were the last Cersei as well.
RE: The Realms Adventurous Revival
I still am waiting for your intellectual property lawsuit, @bored.