Another thing to keep in mind here, as we snipe at each other about Black Lives Matter and Participation Trophies and whatnot...
You cannot force another person to accept your subjective perspective on these types of matters. Your perspective is, as mentioned, subjective. Just because they disagree with you, or don't view a particular social movement/phenomenon the same way that you do, doesn't make them wrong. Because there is no empirical value by which one can measure these things.
I'm one of those people who responded to Black Lives Matter with 'All Lives Matter'. Because I think that this conversation needs to be had. Being from a hispanic family, and also gay, I've seen my share of discrimination. But it never gets talked about. And what really chaps my ass is, when it does get talked about, people are quick to rally around this idea of
Well at least you don't have it as bad as the black guy.
Look, man. Fuck that. Yes, I know that blacks in this country have it rough. I've seen the studies, I've lived in the neighborhoods. We all read about this stuff in school, at length. But they aren't the only ones. People of all colors have it bad (many whites included), and it could just as easily be proven (if you're looking at the neighborhoods where they live and proportions of discrimination) that poor people have it bad. I've lived in neighborhoods where white cops treated other white people who lived there as badly as the blacks, or hispanics. Etc. Just because they were poor, and from a different sub-culture. And what's worse, in any discussion, the idea that blacks somehow have it worse, and therefore are the only ones who deserve immediate attention, is frequently used to hijack pretty much any discussion of these things.
Black Lives Matter actually reduced the awareness of a particular problem -- the police in this country are getting out of control no matter who you are, Minorities of all colors tend to have more police-related violence or incidents of rights violations, not just black people. This is a discussion we need to be having with everyone, not just one group. Yes, BLM, you are important too, but do you think for this one discussion you could try not being the divas of the show, and recognize that there is a systemic problem that expands beyond you?
Black Lives Matter did more damage than good. Studies are already showing that what should have been a productive conversation has already caused people to become desensitized to this sort of thing. And I jointly fault the media and BLM for that -- but I tend to fault BLM more. Because they pulled so many crazy antics to try and get media attention toward their specific group when a discussion about the systemic problem was already ongoing that they managed to do the thing most of us try and avoid at all costs -- they managed to look like the Divas of Discrimination, which is un-fucking-productive in the largest possible way.
Is my opinion subjective here? Yes. Do you need to agree with it? No. But there are plenty of ways that an issue can be viewed, and sniping at each other like you somehow have some kind of method to show how empirically wrong another person's subjective POV is is just stupid. It detracts from the discussion.