@sonder said in Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce:
Oh my GOD that's some funny shit. XD
Pete the Douchey Intern is fine with your dislike. He's enlightened and stuff, brobeans. Wanna buy a placenta?
@sonder said in Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce:
Oh my GOD that's some funny shit. XD
Pete the Douchey Intern is fine with your dislike. He's enlightened and stuff, brobeans. Wanna buy a placenta?
@three-eyed-crow said in Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game:
I think players tend to assume/talk like they're more gung-ho about character death than they actually are when it's them dying, and any game-runner is going to have to be prepared for that.
@Seraphim73 and random people I never really got to know from TGG can attest: I ain't afraid to assault a trench on my own. Everyone else will catch up. Eventually.
@Arkandel I'm ashamed of you. You haven't read the Expanded Universe material then. The one when Luke Skywalker got blitzed in the Starburst Cantina, met a young Twi'lek dude, then both went back to Luke's apartment and hosted a bukkake party with a few pals and a nice Rodian girl named Skeeton.
That's my eye-twitching with FCs in games. They inevitably end up being used by whomever, staff or player, to lay pipe. Use the Force. Assemble their lightsaber. Lock their s-foils in attack position. Impact on the surface. Let someone ride their taun-taun. Have their Imperial troops enter someone's base. Blast points that are too accurate for sand people. Okay, I'm done...probably.
I nearly forgot about this morning, since I was still half asleep! The Game of Thrones talk in another thread stirred it from my memory!
My wife is pro-Stark. She wanted to take bereavement days following the Red Wedding.
I am pro-Lannister. That's all I need to say, since it's the best choice.
This morning was the first time my son hummed 'The Rains of Castamere' along with me. It was perfect as my wife walked into the kitchen at that moment and the boy took her exasperation for enthusiasm, so he just hummed louder.
Blueberry waffles never tasted so good. Checkmate.
Old mIRC rpg. Cyberpunk/Shadowrun/Escape from L.A./just a little of everything post-apocalyptic game based in a wall-enclosed Los Angeles. Big central park area, polluted all to hell, three-legged ducks and shit.
I had played for quite some time, roughly in the top three most powerful characters on the game. Largely not important to the story, but just an indicator for future reference. The following wasn't my act of mean, but I merely offered a few suggestions and acted as a glorified henchman for the event. This game also had something called 'bios', I think? So basically if you died, it'd shock your system and you'd pop back up with like 20hp or something - usable once per scene, basically. It's been nearly 15 years or so since the events, so they're a bit fuzzy. Anyway, practically everyone has Bios. It's just one of those things you'd get your character hooked up with pretty early on. The game functioned on 'Lives'. Basically like a video game - you got 25 lives for the duration of your character. Reach 0 lives and the character's dead, permanently.
So my rl friend's character has a PC that he's all in twu wuv with. We'll call her Candy. They're bound to get married. Yadda, yadda, yadda. His PC discovers that she's getting a little side action going on and naturally his character is furious over this, but he keeps quiet about it. Doesn't confront her or anything like that. So he concocts a plan to get revenge. Ron was a mage or necromancer or something, a couple spells and he could really wreck someone's world or basically alpha strike them to the point of "death".
His character asks her to marry him. Yes, yes, god yes! she replies. So they make the arrangements, they set the date for the wedding scene. Meanwhile, rl friend(we'll just call him Ron) has his character going around talking to people. My character(we'll call him Simon) being one of them, a few of my character's pals, and some of Ron's pals. Incidentally Ron and Simon enlisted a roster of roughly seven of the most powerful characters in the game for Ron's little plan.
So the wedding begins. Outdoor wedding in the park. Three-legged ducks quacking around and stuff. The pollution smells excellent that day. Simon(again, my character) along with all of our recruited pals are in the audience, save one of them. The best shot in the game is far, far, far away. So Ron and Candy are doing their whole vow exchange thing. Ron's gradually transitions from all lovey dovey 'You're my moon and stars' expressions to 'I know what you did and that is very, very not okay'. Ron casts a couple spells, Candy drops dead in a heartbeat. Boom. Bios kick in. She leaps back to her feet all 'Raahh I AM ALIVE'! and BOOM. The sniper enlisted drops her again. This ultimately drops her to 2 remaining Lives.
Naturally Candy's pals are immediately prepared to go on the offensive, when suddenly some of the most powerful characters in the game are on their feet and reaching for their own weapons in support of Ron. Candy's pals quickly realized that they were outmanned, outgunned, and generally going to end up dying a lot themselves if they wanted to try anything. No other deaths that day, but it was great to see the overall plan go off without a hitch.
Got a new car. That's nice.
Old car had reached the point of being an old car. It was in great shape still, but had developed a couple leaks. Figured instead of taking the time and energy to fix it again... why don't we just get a new car? So, a new car was had.
I'm still trying to decide if we should just keep the old car and I can do the repairs as I feel the urge. Part of me says yes, because frugal. The other part of me just wants to take it out to my grandparent's and shoot it a few hundred times, because boom. (ETA: Or, you know, sell it. Because I do like money. Pretty sad that option placed third, after fixing it and blowing it up.)
Brand new car though. For my wife it's her first new-new car, which has her super excited. So we've got that going for us, which is nice.
Today's just a good day for MU things I love!
When your character has been operating under one impression for literally IC years, then has a shift in their perceptions within the last few months(RL months, too!), and THEN in one fell swoop their whole perspective of the world is distracted by someone saying 'hey, look, over there!' and when they look someone full-on punts them in the nuts.
That's what happened to my character tonight. My initial thought was to react to it immediately, whether to write about it or bury his misery in drinks or more likely write to someone about it WHILE burying his misery in drinks. Instead I'm going to take a day or two, let it stew, and really think about how he'll react to this news. Because... god damn it all, that shit was rough. It was a damn whirlwind of emotions. Some smiles, an Easter egg or two that made me chuckle, some side eyeing, then some eye widening, then some 'oh, son of a bitch'ing, and finally 'oh, dear god, he's not been wrong in who he's blamed... but he hasn't been blaming everyone that's responsible'.
Glass case of emotion, I'm telling you.
Delicately and not like an OOC joke. That's how it should be handled.
You can roleplay, discuss, and do all manner of IC things without appearing like some OOC mongrel who has barely been house-trained. It's when people try to twist it into some OOC joke of 'teehee, we're so amusing and controversial!' that's when my inner staffer looks at that ban option. And then uses it.
ETA: And with some forewarning. You shouldn't blindside people with your controversial topics Out of Character; see previous Peeve/Gripe/RB about the person on Arx who tried to involve me in their rape fantasy roleplay.
My youngest has many nicknames. He earned a new one today when he burst through my bedroom door while everyone was taking naps. I was in the process of getting fresh with Mrs. Faceless as the door flung open and in he charged, climbed onto the bed, and proceeded to leap onto my chest and face.
Special Agent Cockblock was born.
I kind of wish that I could draw so that I could turn him into a comic book character.
@arkandel said in Staff and ethics:
When I'm referring to creeps I specifically mean creepy players. That means no springing stuff on people, guilt-tripping them into it, pushing and nagging until they give in or... well, anything of that sort. If both people are into it, go for it.
Right! What I'm saying is that sometimes there are staffers and players who blur that line. Clearly since the character is a creep, creepy, or creepalicious? Then so must be the player. I've seen it a lot the last few months. Maybe not creepy, but any negative behaviors.
You play an ambitious character that exerts the authority that they have at their fingertips? Well, the player must clearly be a domineering jerk who is clearly toxic. No joke. This is a legit thing that I've encountered. A character exerts their authority(up to and including knowingly overstepping their authority, IC, because they suspect they can get away with it) and it's taken as the player being the above mentioned. It happens in that scenario. You don't think it can happen in an even more controversial topic?
So yes. Staff and players alike will blur the absolute shit out of the IC and OOC line, to the point that they'll attribute character behaviors, personalities, and the like to the players of them.
@surreality Yeah, that would probably make me just stop replying. A peeve of mine? Don't show up at my doorstep without notifying me well ahead of time. I want a day notice, preferably. My mother's shadow once fell across my door. I looked through the little peephole. Stared at her. Turned around. Walked away. I made sure to clear my throat just loud enough so that I knew she'd hear from the outside and know that I was home. She called me then: "I'm at your door", "I know", "So let me in", "No, get some manners". She went home that day without paying me a visit.
By the way were you able to get any of the floss boxes? I figured it's important that you be reminded that we need them.
Goddammit, I wasn't going to join in on this conversation because I wasn't really certain how to identify one face from another in terms of the topic at hand. I was browsing Imgur though and came across a couple images from a (recent, I'm assuming?) Vanity Fair spread. A few of the images stood out to me, so I felt they deserved to go here.
Bill Murray? I think it depends upon the period, but I could see him having period piece face, particularly as he's aged. The linked image for example just makes me think of some 18th century composer.
Michael Fuckin' Keaton? Both categories, I think. I think young Keaton, Modern. Aged Keaton, Period Piece.
Emilia Clarke? For my eyes and brain, her Face is dependent on how they do her makeup. By default though, if we're not factoring in makeup? Modern Face.
Amy Adams? Period Piece Face.
Now my brain's real Period Piece Face vs. Modern Face challenge?
Jon Hamm. Period Piece, Modern. My brain doesn't care. It just wants to be stuck in the wilderness with him for a few days, relying on one another to survive. There'll be an exchange of body heat. No, no, we won't be fuckin'. But we'll definitely be cuddling - for survival, you see. I'll even forego my usual placement and accept the little spoon position, if that's what he'd prefer.
ETA: The mentioned Imgur post for your lookin' needs. Some of the images are just fantastic.
Fuck that. I want to fuck my demons and all I want right now is some sangria.
And fish tacos.
This is one that I've been wanting to use for a few years now. Every game I come up with a concept to use him for, but I never get around to doing it. At some point I'll use him on Arx, I keep telling myself.
***A bit NSFW, because of the angle and attire...***
p.s your kitty was adorable
so sorry for the loss
Nah, she's better off. She wasn't doing well toward the end. Stopped cleaning herself, stopped trying to make it to her litter box. She's better. I miss her, but she's better. Mind, that's not my saying: your sympathies are unappreciated. It's just me being what I be: a realist. She's better off.
She was the first (and probably only) cat that made me not dislike cats. I'm pro-dog. She was a cat, but she was very firm and adamant about what she wanted and I have a weakness for strong women. So she was just like "you're my dude now" and I was just like "okay, let's do this".
@derp said in World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings:
@surreality said in World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings:
@thenomain said in World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings:
I will some day make my Changeling game where all the characters work at some kind of Mall Of America, and many of them live there overnight.
Dibs on 'The Katanas and Trenchcoats Store'. That franchise is huge in WoD.
I got dibs on the Stripper Supply and Army Surplus.
Dibs on being the dude who sells all the yachts, mansions, sports cars, and cocaine.
House Rules should be used to minimal, but precise effect. Particularly when you're hosting/playing a game that is based on a source material, which features multiple groups or organizations. World of Darkness for example. The moment you start House Ruling and creating a plethora of custom content for one group/sphere/organization and don't make an effort to balance it? You're throwing a lot of that game out of whack.
There's my opinion on it. HRs should be minimal, while being precise in their implementation and effect.