- Teething
- People who are intolerant of other people's cultures
- The Dutch

Best posts made by Faceless
RE: RL Anger
RE: MU Things I Love
@Arkandel to each their own. Seriously.
I just can't get into a game that reports itself as using a specific rule system, then throws it to the wind at the first sign of it actually being used or useful.
Could you imagine a World of Darkness game where everyone was god mode, all the time? Oh the glory of it all.
Edit: I guess I described The Reach. Never mind!
RE: Kushiel Game
I've never played a Kushiel game. Frankly I have no idea what it is. When I think of Lords & Ladies in a modern setting though? I immediately think family operated corporations in a world where corporations have an even greater impact than they already do in reality or even something akin to the mafia families that are viewed in that old Romeo + Juliet movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.
I may also just have no idea what I'm talking about.
RE: Sleepy boredom...
@HorrorHound to hell with walking. Mine has discovered climbing. Everything!
RE: Culture Building
@Kanye-Qwest a fair point. It may very well be six squirrels and a sloth stacked atop one another.
RE: RL Anger
I generally loathe a lot of the current pop lingo. Bae, fleek, thirsty, ratchet, etc.
RE: MU Things I Love
When you attempt to reach some OOC narrative agreement on some trivial matter, but are ultimately told that since it was never actively roleplayed on-screen that it shouldn't be considered a thing.
Then the same person attempts to get experience points out of you, without fulfilling the basic tenant that there be some form of meaningful interaction with you beyond the briefest of glances from across the room. No conversation, no direct interaction, no slow jack and a ball rub, nothing.
Sorry, I can't just extend XP to you without RP. I'm not comfortable with that. Sweet, sweet justice.
RE: RL things I love
Dad Jokes that aren't forced. Especially when you're the one that gets to use them and it's really the first time you've realized you're using them. You have to take a step back and just take a moment to be fascinated by the situation.
"Hi Freezing, I'm dad."
It's almost enough to bring a tear to your eye, it's so beautiful.
RE: Best IC Character Deaths
Many, many moons ago I was playing on Masquerade. I was playing a standard mortal template who was of the seedier nature. One could call him a gang-banger, I suspect. Well, he developed something of a beef with a regular to the local on-grid hangout in the seedier part of the city. This beef gradually grew and grew and grew. Pretty much every single encounter with between my character(Mason, I think his name was) and this other chap, tended toward confrontation.
So one day Mason has the bright idea to remove this problem from his plate and clear the way for him to move up in the dog eat dog world of criminal politics. He invites this dude out for a little drive into the mountains to just hash things out and generally get away from the city because the city makes you cray-cray, so some time away would be great, right?
The two characters end up taking their little day-trip up to the foothills and generally talk things over along the way. While they're walking through the wooded foothills, that's when my character starts to sort of drop back and allows his counterpart to lead the way. So he pulls his pistol from his waist(Martin Riggs style, yo). That's when the combat round began. What was my stupidly simple idea of an ambush? Quickly went south.
Namely because Joe the Other Dude wasn't exactly your standard mortal. He was totally expecting some sort of betrayal (duh, Mason wasn't a criminal mastermind, more muscle than brain). So when Joe the Other Dude notes Mason digging around in the waist of his sagging jeans, Joe the Other Dude moved in a blur, and placed the mouth of his own firearm's barrel against Mason's chest and fired like four or five times. Riddled the dude full of holes. The ambush had been turned around on me and Mason ended up taking a dirt nap at the bottom of a mountain ravine.
Was I angry? Hell to the no! It was AWESOME! I went into this PK attempt all confident, but down to try to make it fun. Only to have the tables turned and with my character ended up the homicide victim. It was great!
Years later I still didn't know what was special about Joe the Other Dude, because OOC Masquerade. I knew something was, but not what. So a few years later I actually ran into Joe the Other Dude's player again and he dished to me what was so special about Joe(I think his actual name was...Spike?). Hands down, probably my most memorable and enjoyable character death purely based on the sheer surprise factor of it.
Edited to fix typos, I'm sure I didn't get half of them. Migraines suck.
RE: RL Anger
@HelloProject said in RL Anger:
I wanna move to West Philly where everyone's either gay or from out of town
I have it on good authority that if you hang around one of the no doubt many playgrounds, shooting some b-ball, that a couple guys who are up to no good will come initiate a confrontation with you.
You'll end up in Bel-Air after that, which will get you out of Philly.
Good luck!
RE: MU Things I Love
The MU Things I Love thread probably shouldn't be on the second page of the list of threads. I'm going to make an effort to post in this thread more often, because despite all the gripes we have, we do keep coming back for more. So there has to be things that we love about our hobby. Or we have Stockholm Syndrome. Either way!
I don't dream often. Hell, I don't really sleep often. Two, three hours maybe, that's the norm. So when I do sleep a bit more than usual and I do dream? It's always amusing when those dreams happen to be about a game that I'm playing on. In this particular case it was a group of players, sitting around chit-chatting, and just discussing everything from plot predictions to who other players are.
It's that way that I discovered that apparently a PC's player on Arx is actually Ellen DeGeneres.
RE: Forum Factions
@Meg said in Forum Factions:
That One Time On That One Game aka Once Upon A Time
Notable members:(I chose to interpret this as meaning people who start telling stories about that one time something happened on a game a lot. Again, I don't question the factions. I just make them.)
I do tell stories a lot. Game related, life related, whatever related. I recount my experiences often.
So there I was with my shoulder pressed into the door, holding onto the handle with both hands, and my feet planted to prevent it from opening. My partner whose name I'll refrain from placing in an internet forum, was if memory serves 69 years old and I believe at that point a great-grandfather. Basically I knew that I was on my own, if it came down to a brawl or fight for life, and that I'd no doubt be facing down multiple opponents - at least two, probably armed, if I could maintain the doorway as a chokepoint. One if I was lucky. This was when I was in some of the best shape of my life, I had a few rudimentary weapons mostly things that I could use to bludgeon a mother fucker to death if necessary. I was confident in my ability to defend us, but not overconfident. I knew that while I may be able to hold off two, three, maybe even four attackers, that eventually fatigue and attrition would wear me down. Then it would be bye-bye to my booty v-card, I expect.
I could hear the riot on the other side unfolding. I could smell the apple blossoms in the air; it was the mace grenades being thrown around. Thankfully it wasn't making way into the small space that we were able to barricade ourselves just as things really got underway. I readily remember feeling a pressure against the side of my foot at one point. Like a gentle, but insistent poke-poke-my dude. Upon glancing down I noticed that someone had slid the business end of a screwdriver-shank under the door and was poking away at my boot in hopes of injuring me and presumably to get me off the door. Likely because it would have come open a number of times as a result of someone trying to boot it down, the hammers they were trying to use on the handles(to little effect, it would seem), and at one point I even believe they had acquired a set of keys because they had caught me off guard and the doors handle had started to turn just slightly. We held though.
I remember all of the conversations had with them while they were trying to get to my partner and I. At one point there was one at the door and he was informing me what he was going to do when the door came down. Unfortunately for him, I was able to recognize his voice immediately and later used that information to identify him and many others to investigators. This particular individual though, he stuck out because of the nature of his threats and the exact working that even the SP detective had questions about. "I'm going to beat you, kill you, and rape you". The SP's investigator asked at that point, "...in that order?", "Yes, sir", "What does that make him?", ".....a necrophiliac, sir". SP lost it at that point and had a good laugh. I digress.
I had maintained my calm for much of it all. Cool as a cucumber, as they say. I was focused. More so than even now. Now I have hypervigilance and it's nothing in comparison to just how alert and aware of the world around me I was at that time. I can remember the smells in the air (even the tastes in the air, really), the very faint burning sensation to my eyes(I'm not crying, it's the mace, mother fucker!), the smell of the cologne that I was wearing that day, the texture of the door handle in my grip for three hours, or even that the shoulder I used to put my weight into the door never actually hurt or even felt uncomfortable over the period of time until I moved it away from where it had rest for so long.
I was cool though. No panic, no uncertainty. I'd weather the storm, make it through unscathed, and get home to see the chick that was pregnant with my baby. That was until my partner decided he was going to say 'fuck that noise' without saying the words, to that plan! At which point my white-haired comrade placed his right hand to my right shoulder, as he was standing behind me. I glanced to my shoulder and notice then that he had bowed his head and that was when he began to speak, "God, please watch over [Faceless] and I during...", this bastard was praying. I'm going to die here, aren't I?
Obviously I did not. I did weather the storm, I did make it through, and I did get home. Unscathed and unmarked, it was a good day, really. We held out long enough to get out safely, eventually. I remember going back a couple days later to check on my unit, as they rotated us around to different positions. Upon arrival another officer told me to 'check out' the door we had used and did I feel lucky. I wagered that had they had another half hour or so to work on the door, it would have come down. All in all it was fortunate that the timeline played out the way it did. Otherwise I'd have probably been beaten, murdered, and raped. In that order and another necrophiliac would have been added to the world.
That's the bare bones of that tale.
(I'm aware that I always have a story. Whether about a game or not. Memories are important. They teach us how to handle or survive both present day and future situations and scenarios. Experience, bitches.)
Then there was this one time on a MU when some female PC wouldn't take no for an answer and I was just like...oh muh gawd. It was the worst thing ever.
RE: Hiring a Storyteller
@Coin said in Hiring a Storyteller:
@Arkandel said in Hiring a Storyteller:
Money is a poor motivator for coders, not because programmers don't appreciate it, but because generally speaking if that's what they're after they can get paid way better for the amount of time they'd need to spend on a MUSH than that.
If you want a programmer they need to be enticed the old-fashioned way; befriend one, make them excited in your vision, get them involved in making something they agree would be really cool to be part of.
My experience with @Thenomain corroborates this statement.
Rumor has it Coin befriended his mom first.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@royal said in General Video Game Thread:
And Mercy is the true MVP, @Faceless . Don't lie to yourself.
C'mon, son. Don't kid yourself. Shield down? Can rocket away fast. By time catch up, Ivan. Shield recharge.
Reinhardt always win.
RE: Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?
@Wizz said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
On a different note, Elder Scrolls. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary would I really like an Elder Scrolls game. There are so many options for time and place that are basically all super interesting and engaging, the lore is just that rich.
10/10 would play for the Lusty Argonian Maids.
RE: Things We Should Have Learned Sooner
Cache. It's not kash-ay or kash-ee. It's just kash. That one bugs me and I should probably say this in random bitching or something, but whatever.
All the toys, action figures, and other stuff that is considered memorabilia in the long-term? I should have kept in nice and secure in packaging. At minimum, buy two for your kid(s). A friend of mine supported himself, without a job for about 15 months, selling nothing more than comic books, action figures and the little bit he had in savings. His mortgage, car payment, and all the rest were kept current while he was jobless and it was all because of his collections.