@sunny said in Regarding administration on MSB:
Please address this. Without insulting or calling names. This is a REALLY BIG concern for me, right here. If one of the 3 mods is going to be free to take potshots at KQ and I and a few other people, we should probably just acknowledge that we're not welcome here and go.
Okay. I'm not sure how to start, as this is something that I've been pondering. If it sounds like I'm deflecting or avoiding the topic, I don't mean to be. But I want to say something because I feel it's important to say something.
Recent events have highlighted an issue that goes beyond whether a comment is marked with MOD VOICE or not, and it is a situation that we're all familiar with if you've played on a game where staff alts are allowed. There are two interests to balance: first, there's the interest in allowing staff, who are players, to play on a game that they are helping to run; and, second, there's the interest of ensuring that other players aren't concerned that any action taken against a staff alt will be met with an abuse of power (as opposed to justifiable reprisal, which is understandable).
I think that it is undeniable that, were I not a moderator, that my taking potshots at you or anyone else in the Hog Pit would be considered acceptable. But I am a moderator, and, regardless as to whether I put a MOD VOICE indicator above my comment, whatever I say may reasonably be construed as coming from the fingers of someone who has ability to abuse her power at will, with no apparent repercussions. But that perspective, no matter how reasonable, does not obviate the veracity of the message or comment. That is, if I say that something is true, the fact that my message carries with it an implicit threat of unjustifiable reprisal in the event of dissent does not mean that what I said is not true. (However, it is equally true that my comment may be considered true, whether right or wrong, by virtue of that moderator cap, regardless of whether I wear it or not.)
That aside, if Arkandel does something I disagree with, mod-voice or not, I'll take it up with him privately. I don't mind saying that I have a different opinion than him because, if you've read this forum for a while you will probably notice that Arkandel and I disagree on a lot of things. I see no value in engaging in a mod-voice v. mod-voice debate on a topic; if anything, that would exacerbate problems further. And if an issue is brought to me regarding another mod, and I say plainly -- and, perhaps vaguely -- that I'll address the matter, then I will do that, even if I don't post something up about it here.
As I've said before, I am addressing what has been said. And we are addressing the ambiguities. And I have talked with members about some of the recent events. We are, in fact, working.
I see your point, Sunny, and all I can say at this time is that the matter is being discussed, as thoroughly and vigorously as Arkandel hoped. About @Kanye-Qwest's comment, all I can say is that I'm not going to engage in a public discussion with Arkandel and Auspice about it, and my credibility as a voice of "let's not make knee-jerk reactions" is contradicted by recent events wherein I, in fact, did the very same thing. I don't think discussing the matter here further is helpful, but the discussion is continuing elsewhere.