I'm going to take the unpopular opinion here.
Whatever happened to scale or scope? What about a person's reaction? What about what's been alleged precisely?
C'mon. Let's just take a moment to distinguish and not lump everyone together.
Let's start with Al Franken. First, he admitted it happened. Second, he requested an ethics investigation. Finally, and most importantly, he acknowledged that what he did was wrong. To-wit: (1) forcefully making out with a woman against her will during a rehearsal; and (2) taking an awful, awful picture.
Let's go in the other direction for a moment to Bill Cosby. First, he admitted nothing, even though he testified to doing so in a deposition. Second, he continues to deny wrong-doing to this day. Finally, and damningly, he is alleged to have drugged women and have sex with them while they were knocked out over a period of decades.
I want to be clear: I don't condone either person's behavior. But I think it is also clear: these are not the same levels of wrongdoing.
This is a hot topic for me because a lot of my political friends are lumping everyone together, while some of us "moderates" are saying what Jules said in Pulp Fiction. What Franken did, relative to Cosby, ain't the same sport.