Posts made by Ganymede
RE: RL Anger
One thing I admire about the Chinese is their stoic natures. While sometimes they take it too far (in first response circles it's well-known that you pretty much ignore expressed symptoms when dealing with Chinese people and look only for signs because they won't actually TELL you when something is causing them pain!) in matters like free meals and such they're a joy to deal with.
See everyone? I'm a joy to deal with.
People who could have great health with minimal effort and throw it all away. Like damnit, I envy you. I want that.
I'm sorry, but I like staying up late, drinking and having a good time.
RE: New Superhero Game Looking for Staff/Feedback
@Lithium said in New Superhero Game Looking for Staff/Feedback:
@Runescryer doesn't believe in addressing a known problem until it becomes a problem for him in the hopes it never becomes a problem.
I actually read one of his comments as actually offering a solution; I think he said "you can have this feat, but you're still capped at PL*2 over all in any category," or something like that. Which, I guess, is okay, but it seems just a lot easier to pull out feat entirely.
RE: RL Anger
The problem wasn't that there were dietary restrictions or preferences. The problem was that they were increasingly specific. "I can only eat wheat-free (gluten-free wasn't a thing back then), dairy-free, tomato-free, but not vegan -- I like my meat." "I can only eat vegan, tomato-free, but not wheat-free because wheat-free crusts are of the Devil." "I can only eat <insert laundry list of increasingly bizarre requirements>."
It's fucking free food, not civil rights.
I'm allergic to fucking nuts and legumes, but you don't see me being a bitch about motherfuckers who insist on bringing hummus and pecan pie in.
"Oh, but I'm vegan, so if you don't provide me with an option, I'll feel left out."
You fucking left out meat and dairy products voluntarily, so go fuck that noise. You don't fit in at a Burger King, but I don't see you whining to them.
RE: New Superhero Game Looking for Staff/Feedback
I'm not really familiar with M&M, but I'm looking forward to this, actually.
RE: RL Anger
Today at lunch another co-worker decided to say to me, "I don't know who was responsible for the breakfast the week the usual guy wasn't here, but they really did the shitty job!"
This is the first asshole. The only reason to say this to anyone is to either hurt someone or garner support so that you can feel better about hurting someone.
You're not the second.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Arkandel said in General Video Game Thread:
I'm in the market for a good RPG. Any newish noteworthy ones around? I was thinking of Divinity: Original Sin 2, but are there any suggestions?
Platform? What sort of settings do you like?
RE: New Superhero Game Looking for Staff/Feedback
@Arkandel said in New Superhero Game Looking for Staff/Feedback:
You might not want the Riddler permanently croaked to the Huntress because a random player picked him up for a week then decided it would be fun to have him offed.
Well, this isn't a DC/Marvel game; it's a game of OCs, last time I checked.
Even so, let's say Edward Nygma dies. If someone wants to bring the Riddler back, he or she can simply be someone else. It shouldn't be a huge deal to anyone who isn't a tremendous asshole about canon.
As you know, there are several Robins. Dick Grayson became Nightwing. Jason Todd died, and then was resurrected as the Red Hood. And so on.
RE: New Superhero Game Looking for Staff/Feedback
@Lithium said in New Superhero Game Looking for Staff/Feedback:
And that's just one way in which the PL system gets skewed. There are several Feats that all break the PL system.
If this is a noted issue, why not remove the problematic Feats altogether? Seems like a simple, desirable fix.
@Runescryer said in New Superhero Game Looking for Staff/Feedback:
Fair point. I pretty much avoid PK games, so I'm not as well versed in the psychology of PvP.
PvP psychology is pretty simple. It is employed in one of two situations: (1) e-peen dickwaving desire; and (2) legitimate IC conflict resolution between PCs of contrasting, severe beliefs. It's hard to separate the two, so I tend to learn towards Motivation (1).
If you're worried about PKs, though, simply make a rule: no one will ever die permanently. Taken out of action for a bit? Sure. But dead? Only if the player wants to have the PC die.
RE: RL Anger
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
I realize that in the flow of conversation one post may seem to be speaking to same person as a prior one, but there is no @!Sunny, if there was I would certainly make use.
It's when you get this obtuse that you become unpleasant to converse with.
RE: RL Anger
I am wishing you all death through the power of the internet.
If you wish to cause the death of others, please press Number Two.
RE: Sin City Chronicles
@tragedyjones said in Sin City Chronicles:
Also, feel free to shit on me Tempest. You cannot hurt me, I'mma get hitched soon.
That is definitely an RL issue. Congratulations!
RE: RL Anger
We considered that, but since the dude is basically broke it would be a hollow victory.
Unless he's insured. If he's got homeowner's insurance (I don't know) or has parents that do (and he's still covered under it), the insurer may be on the hook if you claim that the death was the result of negligence -- namely that your brother wasn't the intended target.
Always worth a shot. Might want to check with a lawyer.
RE: RL Anger
Venting over. Thank you, Internet strangers, for listening.
I know a couple of decent attorneys in Indiana.
Pretty sure your brother's estate can seek a wrongful death action against the perpetrator, even if criminal charges have not yet been filed.
RE: Making Territory Relevent
@Ex-FaviIIa-Surgo said in Making Territory Relevent:
It's why right wing populists go out of their way to say "actually fuck all of that nonsense, we could totally remove Mexicans if we actually felt like it." And they're not wrong. The biggest hurdle to meaningful border control in America are our own self-imposed legal restrictions on how we do so.
We're still talking about how to implement boundaries on games, right?
RE: Making Territory Relevent
@Ex-FaviIIa-Surgo said in Making Territory Relevent:
Yeah but even on that scale, gangs enforce territory all the time. Either on racial lines, or on which "colors" you wear, or whatever. Street gangs are surprisingly effective at maintaining control of specific places, especially as it pertains to controlling underground markets for things like drugs or weapons.
That's true.
I guess, everywhere I've been, it's been a bureaucratic nightmare to maintain those boundaries. If it can be done, I haven't seen a place where such a policy has been successfully implemented.
RE: Making Territory Relevent
@Ex-FaviIIa-Surgo said in Making Territory Relevent:
You can't be serious. Border control has been a reality of nations since antiquity. Walls, moats, standing armies, armed guards, and the list goes on are all measures taken to keep the people you want to stay out from entering, and occasionally to keep the people you want to stay in from leaving. The idea that territoriality/trespassing is "an impossible thing to enforce" is simply ahistorical.
Well, of course, ICly it can be done. I just meant from the perspective of staff or players trying to play in a virtual environment.
Plus, I tend to deal ICly with territory defined in terms of street blocks and municipalities, rather than nations or city-states.
I think we're talking about different scopes, but I was sticking to Taika's original post, which relates to a particular game that's based in Manhattan, and didn't really have huge walls up around neighborhoods.
RE: Making Territory Relevent
@Pyrephox said in Making Territory Relevent:
I would argue against encroaching characters being forced into a scene for 'trespassing' for the MU* environment, unless the grid is large, and has clear demarcations between public spaces where everyone can go, and private territories where trespass will be punished.
Trespassing seems an impossible thing to enforce (try doing it in RL), and an unwieldy thing for any MU*.
Instead, limiting resources to particular areas should do the trick. For example, maybe there are fifteen territories, each of which produces 1 of 5 resources, and there are three territories producing a limited amount of each resource per cycle, all spread out on the map. As a plot, you could have the sovereign over the land demand X number of a particular resource from all lords/ladies.
Time to trade up, folks.