@Coin said in RL things I love:
So you're saying you spend your mornings and evenings licking yourself.
And this is why I'm only on during business hours EST.
You're welcome.
@Coin said in RL things I love:
So you're saying you spend your mornings and evenings licking yourself.
And this is why I'm only on during business hours EST.
You're welcome.
@Coin said in RL things I love:
Once I started biking to and from work every day I started showering twice a day, even in winter. SUPAHKLEEN.
I do it out of habit: once in the morning, once in the evening.
Also, I am an anthropomorphic feline.
You're welcome.
@RnMissionRun said in Date Thenomain:
Wait, Thenomain is a he? All the years I've been reading these boards I could have sworn... well, nevermind what I thought. Let's just say that I expected to find Birkenstocks and lots of flannel in his closet.
Read what Derp wrote: it's the tweed.
Despite living only an hour away from @Thenomain, we still haven't had drinks together in the German Village or gone to Schmidt's Sausage Haus.
This discussion is fascinating.
My only experience with an Anime MU* was over 20 years ago, when I briefly played on a Sailor Moon MU* and a Robotech MU*. (The latter was truly awesome.)
Consider me highly interested in what comes out of this. I don't like anime very much any more, but the narrative issues raised recently are important to me (and my Mass Effect game/ideas).
@surreality said in RL things I love:
...that is amazing.
That reminds me of this letter that was sent by the Cleveland Browns long ago.
And here's the letter that precipitated such a response.
Lawyers are assholes, people.
If we're going to pay for a site, do y'all need some coin to make it happen? Khaijit can assist.
@Thenomain said in How Do I Headwiz?:
Do you remember long ago our argument of whether or not a staffer is a player? I know the discussion was more nuanced than this, but I too have adjusted my take on this. I still believe a staffer is "just a player with extra responsibilities", but what I consider a player as being has refined. I think we've met in the middle on this one, old lawyerbot.
I sort of remember, but I guess my point is that, if you are headwiz, everyone is subordinate to you. If you own and run the game, it is your word that holds.
I've worked in "council-run" games, and it doesn't work as well as people may believe. If you have another owner, that's a different story, but if you're the only one paying to keep the lights on, it's your call, it's your responsibility, and everyone else will follow your lead.
I would concur with that extension, mostly because I see any non-game-owner as a player, regardless of their assigned duties or lack thereof.
@Roz said in Considering Arx? Consider Deepwood!:
And really, a noble who's widowed or divorced from an opposite-sex partner could still be gay. Just -- you know, marriage politics.
Why do they need to be widowed or divorced? You could be married to an opposite-sex partner and be gay.
@Cupcake said in Considering Arx? Consider Deepwood!:
Our fatal flaw: wood puns.
Hey, as long as we have wood for sheep --
@ThatOneDude said in RL Anger:
Sending kids to a friend/relative/parents night out ... priceless?
Really, I go for the experience. I like theatres. I like being there. It's sort of like concerts; why go see a group live when you can just download their music from iTunes?
Given that I have a Firestick, I really don't have to go out to watch a good, in-theatre movie. I still do because my partner demands it.
@ThatOneDude said in RL Anger:
How come these have not gone the way of the drive in movie (yes I know some are around but they are now a novelty).
There is no substitute for watching Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 on a screen that is roughly double the size of my house's walls in a comfy chair away from my children.
@Cupcake said in Considering Arx? Consider Deepwood!:
(someone app Bethany PLEASE)
sigh. PM me or something?
@HelloProject said in How Do I Headwiz?:
Is there a way to eliminate XP? Should I even try?
No. Conceptually, gamers easily recognize XP as an abstract method of character advancement. If you plan to have advancement, you should plan on having some sort of XP system.
Is the elimination of XP an endeavour worth pursuing, or should I just try to refine XP to work in a way that's not shitty?
Choose the latter, for the reasons above.
@dontpanda said in RL Anger:
If Sharon refused to sell clothes to men (contra "I sell women's clothing"), would she be in violation of human rights laws?
Legally, yes. Be careful when you use the term "human rights laws," however. The laws at issue are anti-discrimination public accommodation laws. Very, very different.
If Amir refuses to bake a cake for a bar mitzvah, is that a violation?
It depends because religion is a thorny thing. Most anti-discrimination laws provide an exception for sincerely-held religious beliefs. There may be a genuine religious belief not to bake a cake for a bar mitzvah; I can't say I know Amir's religion well-enough to comment.
What I can say is that Colorado's state laws, under which Mullins v. Masterpiece Cakeshop was decided, do not have such an exception. So, no, you cannot refuse to bake a wedding cake because the couple is gay, if you conduct business in Colorado. And especially in light of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision.
@HelloProject said in How Do I Headwiz?:
I basically went into this project with zero intention of using XP at all. My intent was always to entirely replace XP with something else. I highly recommend reading the DICE system and seeing how what you want to do would apply to that.
The DICE System doesn't really eliminate XP at all, from what I read. It simply eliminates the idea of advancement without doing anything. Instead, the DICE System seems to permit improvement when you spend Time to do so, which is sort of how I envision handling XP in my system. (To wit: spend X Time, get 1 XP.) And I like how the DICE System makes you choose between character advancement and developing character assets.
@HelloProject said in RL Anger:
I like to think that I wouldn't hit someone due to the inner goodness of my heart, but some people require digging down very, very deep. It's one thing to disagree with someone, it's another for someone to be telling you to your face the most racist shit I've ever heard, for three hours straight, and to be trapped in the situation due to it being a point in your life where you had no idea what to even do when shit like that comes up.
Picture yourself on public transportation. Some man comes up and starts berating you for being Muslim. You're black, you're young, and you don't want to cause trouble, but the man is really upsetting you.
So, these three men come up and try to shut the man down with their words. They tell him to get off the vehicle when the opportunity arises.
And then, the man whips out a knife and starts slashing people's throats.
You know what? Yes, I'm going to punch an ignorant racist that decides he wants to stand his ground. Actually, I'm not; I'm going to honestly attempt to take him down and subdue him. And I will do it with as much prejudice as I can muster because I don't want to be fucking stabbed by some crazy fuck who'll probably mistake me for being Mexican or Muslim.
Is it always okay to punch a Nazi? No. Is it okay to pre-emptively strike someone who seems likely to lash out with deadly force? Legally, yes.
@Lithium said in How Do I Headwiz?:
A MU is a dictatorship, and you have to be a benevolent one for your game to flourish.
The only "democracy" that exists is what you give. Reasonable players understand this.
Own your mistakes. Credit your successes. You decided to remove a player for what you considered bad behavior. The game is successful because of the strength of its players and collaborators.
Trust your players, but verify their claims.
And talk to others: players and people here. I think you'll find a wealth of wisdom.
It had nothing to do with selling a giant bronze idol that investors worship to the investors. Not at all.
I don't care what someone is. I care about what they do. If you're a person that sits around minding their own business, I don't care that you're a racist.
The moment you begin to foment other racists into a frothing mass that confuses terrorism with patriotism, I have an objection.
Hell, if you foment ignorance, hate, and fear into a movement that confuses terrorism with patriotism, I have an objection.
I'm looking at you, Fox News.