@Misadventure said in Shadows over Reno:
Wiki link or it didn't happen. In a PM, so only I know.
I have no page yet, sorry. But I can discuss concept by PM further.
@Misadventure said in Shadows over Reno:
Wiki link or it didn't happen. In a PM, so only I know.
I have no page yet, sorry. But I can discuss concept by PM further.
@surreality said in Shadows over Reno:
...damn you. Now I want to remake my fail ghoul as your ghoul, just so if I say, "Nah, she's too busy painting to go look for random dudes to fuck," I won't get an OOC lecture on how I'm a polyshamer, because in a sane world, that's what would happen.
You should. We should talk. PM me. I could use a ghoul that's sensible and smart. The concept is still fluid, so the quicker I talk to potential constant-RP-mates, the better.
(So far, the concept is "celebrity" shrink: she basically flits among socialites and well-to-do'ers peddling services and advice, when all she's really doing is seducing them and getting their shit.)
@surreality said in Shadows over Reno:
Goddammit, that sounds like the best character ever.
Okay. His version of STP's Plush is just a little off.
@Misadventure said in Shadows over Reno:
How do we know that's not a Nosferatu in Gangrel clothing?
I'm sorry, but I'm cooking up a sexpot Gangrel because if I don't, someone else will and do it poorly.
I had put together a Nosferatu concept which I wanted to try out. He's an Azerkatil with the Giant Merit and Physical Disciplines out the yin-yang, but he just wants to be a singer. Not that he's any good at it, but he's a regular in the local karaoke scene. He doesn't understand why he never wins any of the competitions, and he's just strong enough not to frenzy on everyone when he places out of the top 3.
Sure, he's good with sneaking up on people, grappling them, burning their vitae out of them, and then pulling their head off. But he really just wants a shot at The Voice.
Did I mention he had a harsh Balkan accent?
But @Arkandel convinced me that I should join his little band of Gangrel, and so I have.
Thus, the concept is back on the shelf. FOR NOW.
@ThatGuyThere said in 2016-2017 Basketball Thread:
If I was an OKC fan I would want them to fight like hell to stay a marginal playoff team because while blowing up a team can lead to greater growth in can also lead to a decade of no playoffs wilderness.
I think the problem is that being marginal playoff team reduces the chance of keeping Westbrook. He's probably not going to the Cavs, but I think he'd work with the Pelicans or the Timberwolves.
@Jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
While this is true! In an Urbanmech you'd at least have a chance of getting lucky with that AC20 instead of losing horribly with a dual pair of AC5s and 2s.
If we're looking at the 3025 variants, the Urbanmech was equipped with an AC10. You may be thinking of the Hunchback, which had an AC20.
(Old Battletech nerd.)
@Jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
This is true! At that point better to just shut down and wish you were in an Urbanmech.
Nobody -- NOBODY -- ever wishes they were an Urbanmech.
That's like wanting to be a fucking potato.
@Jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
Probably! Rifleman is very distinctive to BT players.
That's what I was hoping. And if you have to circle-strafe with a Rifleman, you've already lost.
@Jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
It made me laugh...
I was going to say "Archer," but that might have confused some people.
@ixokai said in Is there a basics of CG out there somewhere?:
See there we have one big flaw: any chargen that involves 'hand-setting XP' is a failure to my mind. Yes, I've played on these games, and found the process difficult and painful as a player.
Generally, WoD CGens involve the second step of submitting a list of XP spends to staff; that's what I meant by "hand-setting." I don't consider the process difficult or painful, given that most places also require submission of an XP spend via +jobs after CGen.
I might be wrong but its what I believe and what I will commit to doing my best to achieve.
You're not wrong in the slightest; you simply have a different perspective. You want to automate the process as much as possible, and I can't disagree with that; however, when I am staff, I appreciate the meager amount of interaction as a sort of fail-safe against demanding a re-submit.
Personally, I haven't had much in the way of problems with CGen either by submission or by automation in the 20+ years I've played. The only problem I bump into are wait-times for responses in the approval process.
@Arkandel said in Welcome to Fallen World MUX!:
Yes, he was completely shameless in approaching female characters through pages to get them to play with him, and it was pretty damn obvious he was working hard to create a harem there.
And he never once asked me to join his harem.
I, sir, am offended.
@Thenomain said in Welcome to Fallen World MUX!:
The only people I know who have left FW are Incrociare and his crew, and the activity that they brought.
They left two people behind. How kind of them.
@Warma-Sheen said in Welcome to Fallen World MUX!:
Seems like that place is already fading and people are already moving on to Reno, the new hotness, staff included.
Some people like a little variety?
@Insomnia said in General Video Game Thread:
@Ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
the Rifleman
More like always the healer. >.>
Battletech joke fail.
@Arkandel said in Shadows over Reno:
I'm considering either LS or OD... anyone around here rolling into these Covenants?
I've been toying with an Icarian Crusader. He will basically be a Space Marine, maybe a Chaplain.
The other concept that might work is one that I've been toying with for years as a Dragon.
The concept that's currently winning out is a Carthian looking to force the creation of the Brujah's dream of New Carthage.
Then again, I might just fall back into a broody Crone, like I always do.
@Insomnia said in General Video Game Thread:
I never learned how to circle strafe. >.>
And this is why we put you in the Rifleman.
@Spitfire said in Gauging interest in a 20th Edition Game.:
Nobody loves Werewolf.
I love oWoD werewolf, but I will only play it with a handful of players. Might as well not be interested in it.
@ixokai said in Gauging interest in a 20th Edition Game.:
For OVampire, if I had any power to care for vampire agian (I don't), I'd want a game to be Camarilla only and focus on intraclan conflict. Anarchs are crushed, reinforce the Brujah theme of rebellion and Gangrel theme of outsiders.
The classic O-Vampire game had the Camarilla as the focus, with Anarchs being a choice, rather than an organized faction. Didn't particularly like how they turned the Anarchs into a third faction.
So, you've got the Camarilla, a smattering of Independents, and a group of "free" vampires that consider themselves Anarchs, but are really more like Caitiff.
And until they realize that what the US Supreme Court decides is irrelevant to the overwhelming majority of the population of this planet.
You're talking crazy. America is the only thing that matters.