I had put together a Nosferatu concept which I wanted to try out. He's an Azerkatil with the Giant Merit and Physical Disciplines out the yin-yang, but he just wants to be a singer. Not that he's any good at it, but he's a regular in the local karaoke scene. He doesn't understand why he never wins any of the competitions, and he's just strong enough not to frenzy on everyone when he places out of the top 3.
Sure, he's good with sneaking up on people, grappling them, burning their vitae out of them, and then pulling their head off. But he really just wants a shot at The Voice.
Did I mention he had a harsh Balkan accent?
But @Arkandel convinced me that I should join his little band of Gangrel, and so I have.
Thus, the concept is back on the shelf. FOR NOW.