@Lithium said in Alternate CoD/WoD Character Growth / XP Systems:
Does every character require an optimized build? Absolutely not.
James Bond (just as an example) however /does/.
As does any reasonable special forces type character, or thousand year old viking vampire...
So, if you want to be James Bond, be optimized and do so. If you want to be a thousand-year-old Viking vampire, then so be it -- optimize away. I have never been opposed to optimization or specialization.
But, sure, you have to be careful about XP spending. This is a hallmark of every other WoD game prior to GMC. If you wanted to have a 5 in an attribute and pair it with a 5 in a skill, you're going to need to hoard XP to get there, and this forces a PC to specialize. Call it diminishing returns to XP if you will, but it was built into the system. Want to be James Bond? You're going to blow elsewhere relative to another PC of equal XP.
When GMC went to linear progression, that really tore open the system, whether they believe it or not. Barring arbitrary limits set by staff the arbitrary limits set in the game, anyone could be or do anything if you have the XP. And if XP is unlimited, as is the case just about anywhere, then there's no penalty to specializing, and no real need to plan XP building, except to get to your objective as quickly as possible.
To paraphrase Syndrome: when everyone can be super, then no one can be. And while I appreciate the reasons behind the reluctance or reticence to adopt or accept XP spending caps, I believe that a game that implements them can enjoy the same success as any other game. It'd be even more successful if you provide meaningful avenues to compete that doesn't devolve into punching each other in the face.