@fatefan said in What would a superhero game need to be/do to bring in a new player base?:
First, you need a system. Don't use some vague bullshit-system, all right? I'd recommend FS3, but Scion/Aberrant works fine. You could also tailor the Chronicles of Darkness system reasonably to achieve similar results. Keeping the above in mind, I have the following comments.
Specifically, I'm thinking of a game that uses feature characters (characters from published comics, like Spider-Man, Batman, Hellboy, etc.).
If you're going to use FCs, use lower-end ones with minimal, well-defined superpowers. For example, Jessica Jones, as portrayed in Marvel/Netflix's series, has super-human strength and stamina, but she can, and has, been defeated by mundane means. More fantastic heroes ought not be playable, e.g., Spider-Man, Superman, etc.
Is a more broadly inclusive theme important, where players don't have to know tons of canon details? (Related: what about giving players the opportunity to change the game world status quo with high-impact TPs?)
Yes, and no. What players should do, if they want to be an FC, is to describe their version of the FC in detail. This is where Wikis come in.
Is a more concise application process important, so that players don't have to draft entire manuscripts of details?
When it comes to FCs with existing canon storylines, I believe that more detail is better. This will eliminate the discussion of what version of the FC one is playing from; e.g., is it homosexual or heterosexual Bobby Drake.
You should also allow OCs. Since you have a system, you don't need to worry about details as to the powers, so their process ought not be as rigorous.
Is a mechanical system (like Mutants and Masterminds or even Venture City Stories) important to help adjudicate conflicts a bit/lot more impartially than relying on consent?
Yes, among other things.