@surreality said in King of Sex Mountain:
Just shift up setting/whatever every week or two, vote on which thing to do next, groups could pitch an idea to the list they'll help run/set up and do it all round-robin-ish-like.
I do not share power. There is only one king of Fuck Mountain. There is no committee; there is only the existence of loyal orgy advisors giving me suggestions as to how I may succeed at being the #4 orgy-themed mush staffer in all of current mushdom.
Each session I would role play as myself in a throne, sitting high above the Orgy in judgment with my fist to my chin like Conan, but ultimately more like Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat quietly judging the to-the-death fighting tournaments in Outworld.
"GORO! BARAKA! Bring me a plate of spare ribs."