Posts made by Ghost
RE: RL things I love
It's October, so remember it's not "Samhain", it's:
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Hey Texas when I said I wanted cooler weather I didn't mean go from upper 90s to lower 50s in the space of 24 hours.
I hate this so so so much. I'm too old for that shit now.
Us in the States have it way worse. Everywhere else in the world the temperatures dont go much higher than 46° but we have a range that goes from -20° to 118°. On behalf of North America, I will accept the weather fluctuation award.
RE: The Work Thread
@dvoraen said in The Work Thread:
@Ghost said in The Work Thread:
@silverfox said in The Work Thread:
I hate essays guys. I hate them. Even if they're only one paragraph long I. hate. them.
Are you grading the content or the grammar? Becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause....I don't see no period after 'long'.
@Ghost You realize you technically spelled "because" wrong while discussing the correct use of English words and grammar, right?
Oh whatever, I took 3rd grade like seven times. I should know how to spell becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause by now.
RE: The Work Thread
@silverfox said in The Work Thread:
I hate essays guys. I hate them. Even if they're only one paragraph long I. hate. them.
Are you grading the content or the grammar? Becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause....I don't see no period after 'long'.
RE: The Work Thread
@Rinel said in The Work Thread:
@Ghost It was terrible
Well if the little paper U on your tray is so bad, then you can rip it off and throw it away.
It's tearable.
RE: The Work Thread
@Ghost said in The Work Thread:
@Rinel said in The Work Thread:
I put little wire-mesh trays on my desk, because that is what Professional People do, and I am a Professional People.
Now they're filling up with paper. And the paper isn't going away. Sometimes other people's trays have a few sheets of paper, but the paper goes away.
My trays have developed a fault.
Tape a little paper 'U' to one of them.
When someone asks you why you have a 'U' taped to one, you say: "Oh! That's Atreyu."
Y No UpvotesDANG.
RE: The Work Thread
@Rinel said in The Work Thread:
I put little wire-mesh trays on my desk, because that is what Professional People do, and I am a Professional People.
Now they're filling up with paper. And the paper isn't going away. Sometimes other people's trays have a few sheets of paper, but the paper goes away.
My trays have developed a fault.
Tape a little paper 'U' to one of them.
When someone asks you why you have a 'U' taped to one, you say: "Oh! That's Atreyu."
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@insomniac7809 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
"House" is a play on "Holmes" being a homophone of "homes."
god dammit
The Lost Boys was a retelling of Peter Pan, too.
And the original Lion King animated film was simply Hamlet with furries.
And Tropic Thunder was Three Amigos: Vietnam Edition.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@insomniac7809 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
"House" is a play on "Holmes" being a homophone of "homes."
god dammit
The Lost Boys was a retelling of Peter Pan, too.
RE: L&L Options?
IMO political games are very difficult to maintain due to the lack of social combat. I think that's why they sprout up, exist, and then ultimately fail.
At the heart of L&L is social (and sometimes physical) PVP. Lords and ladies compete. Wars happen. I've seen some games try to keep everyone focused on PvE against a common threat, but sooner or later houses are going to want to compete. If resolution of these competitions are left to "discussion" or staff decision, you tend to get stalemate "Refuses to lose/Refuses to be beaten" scenarios or cries of staff favoritism when rulings happen. I just don't think it's able to be maintained. History so far shows it can't. After all we are talking about a "new" L&L game after dozens have come and gone.
MU players don't like social dice, get weird about PVP, but also get mad when people lie (but if you're competing without dice all you can do is lie through prose) ICly or Oocly. You can't coordinate someone losing. Not with some of these people.
So I think y'all should really question what IS a L&L game, build the right systems, but FFS bring down some of the 'my story' safeguards and let these people fight and fuck each other over. That's central to the L&L genre.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Pandering to maximize your end result is kind of a new form of currency. People hate pandering when it doesn't head in their favor, but often fail to identify pandering when it includes them.
Blizzard chose Chinese money (note: The new Diablo cell phone game slash microtransaction ATM is being driven by Chinese devs) over fan outrage. I think it's garbage, but something tells me Blizzard is gonna be just fine.
Not sacrificing a ton of future cash flow over 1 pro gamer is a tactical, yet Lawful Evil, business call. On the gamer's side, given that he signed a contract to not make certain statements on Blizzard's time, he should have cleared if he could say that before using the airspace to get political.
Is it wrong? Ethically, yes. Contractually this play appears to be within the boundaries.
RE: Good TV
Anyone enjoying American Horror Story 1984?
AHS has been kinda off/on for me. I might watch one episode and love it, then another has me going "this is kinda pretentious and formulaic".
I don't DISLIKE this season, but I'm hoping for some better twists and cleverness like I saw in Roanoke and Cult.
PS. Also nice to see Emma Roberts in a role other than fashionista bitch on wheels. Dont get me wrong, she's a great Regina George trope, but just happy to see her getting written for different character types.
RE: How can everyone play the same game?
@Thenomain I like that. That would definitely curb some of that "I dont give a shit what this game is but my friend told me to join" stuff.
RE: How can everyone play the same game?
@Thenomain said in How can everyone play the same game?:
I am slightly curious about this "TS Mystery" genre.
... Oh, wait, there's the comma. Hahahaha, my bad.
@Wretched hahahaha TS mystery... night I laid beside her, and from the corner of my eye I saw she had left her phone on its 'photos' page. Which brought me to question...
Why is there a picture of my Uncle Steve on her Phone?
RE: How can everyone play the same game?
A few ideas:
- Literally make sure everyone is playing the same game.
Some players dont care which game they're on so long as they have a playspace. I've seen playing role-playing anime on WoD games, Zorbing/Legos on Battlestars, and even one character that was Robert Downey Jr in blackface (a la Tropic Thunder) fighting a refugee war against Cylons while making comments about Alabama. Some players sneak off to corners to use the playspace as whatever they want. There are ways to make it clear what staff expects in terms of theme, but I also think it's okay to add a line about "being here to play THIS game to the +accept
- Set further expectations
Not just policy expectations, but the kind of RP the staff seek to generate on the game. Some players make characters that are in contradiction to a game's theme then bemoan lack of RP. If staff wanna see dice, risk, and maybe even PC death? Be up front. If the idea for the game is to be a less "super hero" WoD and a more "Sin City" feel? Be up front. Be clear about what kind of game this is to supplement what boundaries you're expecting players to draw within
- Say "No".
Don't want to be negative here, but when players make concepts that don't make sense, it's okay to tell them no. If your game is about a genocidal war and you get an app for an "antisocial pacifist who refuses to involve in combat scenes or scenes depicting military", then rather than go "okay, good luck" it may be better to let them know the concept won't work with the game. If they persist that that's what they wanna play? Then they should play that in a place that thinks it's a good fit.
RE: RL things I love
TMW you're moving and find the romantic, shirtless Jean-Claude Van Damme pics @auspice left for you.
RE: Feast of Legends MU(The Wendy's RPG)
I am keeping a copy in my PDF library for historical sake.
WHAT I FIND MOST INTERESTING about this feast of legends book isnt the book itself, but I am dying to know the story of how it came to be.
- Did Wendy's make a deal with WotC?
- Did some marketing guy have a D&D game, make this up, then pitch it? (I want a youtube video of that pitch)
- Did some 3rd party DnD5 enthusiast make it then pitch it to Wendy's?
Sounds like there might be a cool story in there.
Some of the art in there looks similar to currently existing DnD book art. LAME that there is no credits page in this PDF (which is what I consider cringey, because the gaming community supports itself and that stuff is important), which means I cant really hunt down if currently existing RPG artists/designers actually worked on it.
RE: Feast of Legends MU(The Wendy's RPG)
@gryphter said in Feast of Legends MU(The Wendy's RPG):
Set the tone light and/or...